All posts in " 2016 U.S. Presidential Election "

It’s Just All Connected

February 25, 2016

COMMENT: Marty; it has taken me some time to digest your thinking. I just wanted to say you have opened my eyes and I can see the connections. Trump is a symptom and not the cause. The press and politicians treat it as if they can defeat him they will reverse the trend. They do […]

USA: Where Politicians Are Free to Rig the Game

February 2, 2016

As to be expected, the Republicans are up to dirty tricks to try to prevent Trump from being the candidate. After the Iowa Caucus, reports are surfacing from volunteers who say that their precincts were being combined into one large … →

Trump & Taxation

January 11, 2016

On his website, Donald Trump’s tax plan still maintains the income tax while making it lower and simpler. All I can say is that I hope Trump remains open minded as a businessman rather than a politician. He should immediately … →

Hillary for Prison 2016

December 18, 2015

Even Snowden believes that anyone, besides Hillary, would be in prison for mishandling top secret government information. While the government was being hacked, Hillary was storing a private server in a California bathroom. Snowden explains why he did what he did. … →

Is Trump’s Ban on Islam a Normal Reaction?

December 13, 2015

Armstrong Economics/PEI has always been a very diverse company with clients and staff from all around the world. We have every race, religion, and social status among our ranks servicing clients of equal diversification. So, a ban on anyone from … →

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