All posts in " Understanding Cycles "

The Meltdown in Politics

March 8, 2017

The political world is melting down. The press is so bought and paid for and lost all sense of impartial reporting just the news. All I can say is this is the beginning of the end. Rejoice – you have a front row seat to witness the decline and fall of the West. It’s only […]

Cycles Why do They Exist?

March 6, 2017

Many comments have come thanking me for demonstrating that there is order hidden within this chaos. Yet, the underlying question is fundamental – Why do cycles exist? I suppose the real answer is the same reason why we exist. Cycles are the divine blueprint from which everything is constructed. It is a complex structure, but everything […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

December 24, 2016

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

Football in Decline

December 12, 2016

Many are now blaming Colin Kaepernick for the sharp decline in American football ratings. Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem in the NFL preseason as a protest of the injustices against people of color because of Trump as if he has done something. Kaepernick has continued to protest in every game this season. Now, more than […]

The Collapse of Socialism/Marxism

November 17, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your conference was exactly as you have said. A fantastic networking event. It was like a college reunion of like minded people coming together from around the world. At the cocktail party, you said 2015 was simply the 26 year “differential peak” in western governments. I didn’t get a chance to ask […]

The 3 Units of Time Reaction Rule

October 10, 2016

QUESTION: Marty, In your September 8 post you said “The Reversals have done a good job and this is actually an appropriate example of how to use them to stay out of trouble. Gold exceed the 1362 Month Bullish intraday moving up to 1377, but then failed to elect that number only to go crashing […]

The Shift in the Financial Capitol of the World

October 6, 2016

QUESTION: Hi Martin I am a follower of your blog. I have a question on your post “Financial Capital of the World & Its Migration” dated 30th sep 2016. I was looking at the graph where Y-axis indicates the scale of Economic Progress (in terms of % of world GDP) against time on X-axis. The decline […]

5th Car Bomb Explodes in 2 Days in Spain

October 3, 2016

The expansion of terrorism in Europe is really becoming widespread. This does not look good as we move forward. Unfortunately, our Cycle of War Model we warned began to turn up in 2014 is still far from reaching a peak. The fifth car bomb in just two days has exploded in the northern Spanish city […]

Financial Capitol of the World & Its Migration

September 30, 2016

QUESTION: I am a great admirer of your Socrates model, but there’s one thing in your personal pronouncements that seem to contain a contradiction. On the one hand you are predicting a decline of the U.S.A. and other western economies, mainly caused by excessive government interference in the economy. However, on the other hand you […]

Great Alignment

September 23, 2016

QUESTION: You said in the last gold video that ——— could be the possible big turning point in gold.  Do you also see ——— (or 1st quarter next year) as the time when we see ———  aligning to begin the transition from public to private? JT ANSWER: It may not be January precisely, but the turmoil in […]

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