Trading Course, Books, DVDs, & Computers – Progress Status Update


To answer all the questions on training courses, it is on the agenda. We have old tapes of training sessions that we will try to blend together with recent video. The number one reason 90% of traders lose money is they are too emotional. You should never bet on fundamentals. To be consistent in trading you need to be technical and have ice water in your veins. You have to be flexible and move with the trend. Inflexibility is not compatible with trading. The more you trade thinking you will limit your risk, the higher the losses will be. You are your own enemy. The entire object here to trade demands CONFIDENCE and that only comes by understanding the trend set in motion globally. Those who buy or sell on the next GDP number are clueless to the international trends in motion.

We are also finishing blending the two WEC conferences together into one DVD, which will be available soon. I have just hired three new senior staff members to get everything on track. Getting the Socrates Platform 1.0 up has taken way too long. One of my original members of our programming team from the nineties is rejoining the firm. I am making a major effort to get all this done ASAP.


“The Greatest Bull Market in History” details the global economy and the sovereign debt crisis. I originally published the book in 1986, which has sold for $3,000 on Ebay (I only have one copy myself). I added 500 pages, half of which are probably illustrations showing the entire world economy and how it is interlinked. We plan to release a second edition of the book later in the year.

While my intentions have been good, the schedule has fallen behind because of so much work and this is not really acceptable. I appreciate everyone’s patience, especially our long-time clients who know the magnitude of this task.

We will be hiring additional support staff and are accepting resumes. With the sheer number of people coming into the site, we have to dramatically increase the staff to cope with the volume.

Yes, we are still on track to go public in 2017 hopefully when everything is up.

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