NASA Reports Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum


NASA has reported that Antarctic sea ice (different from Artic ice) reached a new record maximum. Meanwhile, top Russian scientist Dr. Habibullo Abdussamatov, who is the head of space research for the Pulkovo Observatory at the Russian Academy of Sciences, has come out and stated that the new mini-Ice Age began at the end of 2015. Using data from ice core samples, our models also targeted 2015.75 as the turning point in the decline in energy output of the sun.

Human-caused climate change is highly scientifically controversial, mainly because the data set does not account for the natural climate changes over the centuries. The energy output of the sun has been totally ignored and advocates focus entirely on CO2 levels. This appears to be more like the myth that rising interest rates are bearish for the market because people only remember the last rate hike and not the overall trend that led into the high when rates were constantly rising.

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