Climate Change on the Horizon


I’ve been looking at the Year Without a Summer on Wikipedia and read that there was a cooling trend prior to the winter-like conditions during the summer of 1816. It mentioned that it affected the northeast. Also that the reason for the cooling trend is associated with the volcanic activity prior to and including 1816 and the reduction in solar output. The article also mentions that from 1628-1626BC that there was another climate disturbance, Minoan eruption of Santorini. Looking at 1628BC to 1816AD and using 3141.592 days/cycle results in 400.13 cycles. Using 1628BC and projecting it 424 cycles puts us around 2021.42. Knowing from history how this climate disturbance affected the Northeast, is that one of the reasons why you moved from New Jersey to sunny Florida, besides the hunt for taxes in NJ?

ANSWER: Yes, Add the 300 year cycle in the energy output of the sun and we see that we are headed into a cold period. This should also result in a commodity cycle boom going in the next 8.6 year wave into 2024.

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