One World Currency – Coins of Alexander the Great – A One Time Offer

To go with our The Coming One-World-Currency report, we have only 100 Alexander the Great drachms of higher quality from a hoard that was purchased for our study of the World Monetary System. These are the ONLY One World Currency to have EVER been created in the Western World. Not even Rome was able to achieve a unified monetary system throughout its empire. That distinction belongs ONLY to Alexander the Great.

These are from Northern Greece AR Drachms of Alexander III type: Head of Herakles right, wearing lion skin / Zeus Aetophoros seated left; various control marks. Mostly issues from Asia Minor mints, circa 319-300 BC.

The quality is quite nice and we are limiting these to one per person. Very nice high grade from VF to EF.

$350 per coin 

Because we have so few they will be only available in the USA

for those attending the WEC Nove 3rd-4th, 2017


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