
Warning About Funds Management Claiming to be Using Socrates

May 26, 2018

We do NOT recommend any particular person to be managing money. We do NOT provide buy or sell signals to any such public fund or individual money manager. We have routinely had our lawyers writing letters to people claiming to be using Socrates for managing money when in fact we have not even released any […]

The New Madrid Fault – What is It Due?

May 26, 2018

  QUESTION: This is the start of more volcanic and earthquake activity. Everyone thinks about the west coast when they think about quakes, but what about the center of the country and the New Madrid fault. What is the timeline for it GB ANSWER: The last big one was 1811-1812. There were actually four earthquakes during […]

When is the Next Megathrust Earthquake Due?

May 26, 2018

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, What do you make of the risk from the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where two major plates are stuck? Scientists ‘predict’ a major earthquake up to 9.2 on the Richter-scale and the following tsunami, that could level Seattle and other cities in the Northwest. A major earthquake – that occurs there every […]