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1908 Corrup Elections

Two powerful movies are coming out before the election, demonstrating how polarized this has become and the shenanigans taking place to rig this election. A grand jury was found even back in 1908, and it was “doubtful if there has been an honest election for years.” When Scotland had its referendum on leaving the UK, the extent of corruption that was used to ensure that the vote would fail was off the charts. The people they wanted to separate from were sent to count the Scottish votes.


We have been fooled for centuries. When people get power, they just never want to give it up. That is human nature. This election is between the Neocons vs We the People. You are not voting for Kamala; you are voting for the established Deep State that runs the place all the time. They wanted Kamala, who is like Biden and will sign whatever they put in front of her. Will there ever be an honest election ever?


While I would like to believe in the Constitution and government will be honest, just for once, I know that is being just a fool denying reality. I also know that there is no talking to 40% of the people on either side of this political divide because there is no chance of changing their minds and a greater chance of me only getting frustrated. As Julius Caesar said over 2000 years ago, people believe what they want to believe. All we can do is stand on the sidelines and understand what is coming.


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