Israel vs Iran

Israel vs Iran 1

QUESSTION: Netanyahu has told Lebanon to purge themselves of Hezbollah and Iran to overthrow their religious government. Do you think regime change is the target objective in this conflict?


ANSWER: Regime Change tends to be more of a wish than an actual military goal. Largely this is the old saying the king is dead long live the king. Regime Change depends upon the people. Far too often some assume that if you just take out the head of state, you will get regime change. You may get a change far worse. The goal of Israel for their response would break down to three strategies.

(1) Attack Military Targets (that produce the missiles

(2) Economic Targets, such as the oil production

(3) The nuclear targets


The first would be a proportional response. The second would disrupt the world economy sending energy prices higher which Biden is against before the election, and the third is far more difficult for they are underground and Israel lacks bunker attack type bombs that the US does possess.

In Japan, it was the military government that seized control and made the emperor subservient to them. The Japanese blamed their military for causing the war so you have had a deep concern about them ever again seizing power. That is the regime change that can take place after a military confrontation.

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