There is Still Home Resistance is NOT Futile!

Stamer Reelection

With US and UK missiles now being used against targets in Russia and Russia sending ICBMs against Ukraine, we are teetering on WW3. It is the closest we have been since the 1962 and 1973 crises. I seriously question whi sanctioned these missiles since Biden did not publicly come out and make the announcement for something this major. Teddy Altas famously says that “what someone does at the end is what they planned to do all along.”

Biden in Military Helmet

What I would add to that is that you will always be remembered for your last deed—not your first. Biden’s entire life will be remembered for this single decision, just as George Bush Jr. will be remembered for Iraq.

The good news is that the British Parliament is at least going to debate calling for an election. Russia just flew drones over their three nuclear facilities, and they had no idea they were coming. This has been set in motion by Starmer’s support for a lame-duck president’s efforts to start World War III or at least by the NEOCONs in his name.

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