Historically the Military will Always Split into Factions

Yeltsin Tank

QUESTION: Why do you say the military will split? Is this routine?



ANSWER: Throughout history, there have been many revolutions and coups. The most famous one in modern-day history is when Yeltsin stood on the tanks in Moscow and told the military not to fire on the people. They stood down and the Russian could that sought to overthrow Gorbachev and take the country back to Communism failed. Vladimir Kryuchkov, the coup’s leader, had published a two-volume memoir entitled “Lichnoye Delo”—”A Personal File.” He was the top spy for almost two decades, yet the US media never paid much notice to him. He was the embodiment of the old regime and its secret police. He was the real Soviet spymaster and was well known only to those of us who had insight into Russia aside from the CIA and the FBI.

Kryuchkov was a young operative in Budapest who helped crush the Hungarian uprising in 1956, which launched his career. Kryuchkov rose through the ranks to be the head of the KGB’s First Chief Directorate and then as the spy agency chief. His climb up the political ladder was enabled because he handled two super-moles in the USA that were responsible for the worst damage ever done to U.S. intelligence – Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen.

Mikhail Gorbachev and Maagie Thatcher

Then, it was August 1991 when Kryuchkov overestimated his power and organized a coup against President Mikhail S. Gorbachev. I believe the real motive was that Russia was invited to join NATO, and Gorbachev was considering it. This is my prized autographed photo of Maggie and Gorbachev. Boris N. Yeltsin climbed on a tank and rallied the crowds against the coup’s leaders. Kryuchkov was thrown in Moscow’s Matrosskaya Tishina prison. He was charged and tried as a “betrayer of the Motherland.” He was released from prison in 1993 when the government of Boris Yeltsin saw there was a sense of nationalism and even Communist opposition on the rise. Kryuchkov was granted amnesty along with the other plot leaders, fearing it would not be wise to put him on trial pursuing the prosecution in the face of discontent with Yeltsin’s administration. Some of the coup members returned to politics, including in the Duma. Kryuchkov, however, retired. His memoirs were an effort to rehabilitate his reputation.

Four Emperors 69AD

When Nero died in 68AD, he had no heir for the Julio-Claudian line. The following year, 69AD is known as the year of four emperors. The military will routinely split in a fight for power – Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and the ultimate victor – Vespasian.

Commodus Hercules

The Emperor in the first film, Gladiator, Commodus, was eventually assassinated, and the full corruption of Rome burst through to the surface. The Praetorian Guard, the ancient equivalent of the Secret Service, was dedicated to protecting the emperor, who, in this case, they assassinated and actually auctioned off the throne to the highest bidder.

Pertinax AU Aureus R

Pertinax had a successful military career and achieved senatorial rank when the Praetorian Guard assassinated Commodus. Pertinax reluctantly accepted the throne when it was offered to him by the murderers of Commodus. The state of affairs in Rome was deplorable, and Pertinax instituted economic reforms, which immediately made him unpopular, particularly with the Praetorian Guard. Like any public employee who faces a pay cut, the mood was not festive. On March 28th, 193AD, after a reign of only 86 days, a band of mutinous Praetorian Guards invaded the palace and murdered Pertinax. The fate of his wife is unknown, but his son managed to survive.

Didius Julianus Aureus 6.8 grams

Following the murder of Pertinax by the Praetorian guards, the full corruption of Rome burst forth. After parading around with the head of Pertinax on a pole, the Guards withdrew to the safety of their camp. No apparent heir was available, so the Praetorian Guards stationed heralds on the wall to announce openly that the office of Emperor was up for sale to the highest bidder. Thus began perhaps the most scandalous affair in Roman history. The corruption had reached such levels that it was clear that the decline and fall of the Roman Empire began at this junction in time. There were two bidders and Marcus Didius JulianusDidius’ bid was 25,000 sestertii per man and was duly declared Emperor.

Pecennius Niger AV Aureus

Pescennius Niger was the Governor of Syria by 191 AD. Upon word that the Praetorian Guard assassinated Pertinax and sold the throne to the highest bidder, he was cautious after being declared Emperor by his troops. He hesitated to march on Rome, providing the window of opportunity for Septimius Severus to begin his march toward Rome. Severus secured Rome and then turned his attention to his rival in the East. He defeated Niger for the fourth time, and he fled towards the Euphrates but was captured and executed by Severus.

1781 Mutiny_of_the_Pennsylvania_Line

The Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783 was an anti-government uprising over a sovereign default/debt crisis, not unlike Caesar crossing the Rubicon—nearly 400 soldiers of the Continental Army stormed Congress on June 17th, 1783. The American Congress fled Philadelphia to Princeton, New Jersey. George Washington, on June 24th, ordered 1,500 troops to march against the army in Philadelphia to suppress the mutiny.

There are countless examples of the military splitting. Pelosi was reluctant to call in the National Guard, fearing that most would have been Trump supporters. I was told that when the National Guard did enter Washington, some were even asked who they voted for.

The Democrats do not know what they do. They are destroying the United States all for their refusal to live in a republic unless it is their way.


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