All posts in " Education "

Einstein & Curiousity

May 5, 2019

COMMENT: I found your comment most interesting on curiosity as the driving force being Einstein and the key for everyone to follow no matter what the field. This is precisely what is ignored in school. They teach you to memorize, not to challenge the status quo. Thanks HF REPLY: Yes, my professor friend who explained […]

The Student Suicide Rate Has Been Rising – the new Lost Generation

April 25, 2019

There have been studies on the riskiest jobs where stress causes higher rates of suicides. The medical profession seems to be at the top of the list, which now amounts to some 11 million people. However, there is also a growing list of students committing suicides over student loans, which is the number one debt […]

Creativity is the Key to Everything

April 12, 2019

A professor at Princeton University once told me I reminded him of Einstein. I was shocked. I said I was nothing like Einstein, and I certainly did not advance society as he did. He then said to me that it was not the subject matter that he was referring to. He said it was my […]

The College Scandal

March 16, 2019

Olivia Jade Giannulli (left) Lori Loughlin(center) It is really interesting to see how many schools are bribed. There are even allegations against Yale. This all seems to be part of a propaganda conspiracy that you cannot get ahead in life without a degree. Most of the major billionaires who created major companies were all dropouts.  Lori […]

Life is a Journey of our Accumulative Mistakes

February 12, 2019

Virginia Republicans claimed the moral high ground as a blackface scandal left the state’s Democratic leadership on the brink of implosion. This is really retaliation for the entire Kavanaugh hearings. There is no statute of limitations for anything or anyone in government now. The Virginia black caucus of House Democrats have called for Governor Ralph Northam’s ouster. This […]

Student Loans – The Economic Time Bomb

February 6, 2019

Trump should reverse what the Clintons did to student loans. He should RESTORE the right to go bankrupt. This huge problem was created by the Democrats who exempted student loans from normal protection for consumers. In addition, the bankers then exploited the entire issue by getting parents to co-sign. The entire argument for eliminating the […]

What is Wrong with Formal Education

October 16, 2018

QUESTION: I too am French and nobody in school ever connected the weather to the defeat of Napoleon even with so many deaths on his failed invasion of Russia. History is interesting, but it seems to be taught based upon some political agenda. What would you recommend for students to study since the formal education […]

Our Journey Through Life

July 19, 2018

QUESTION:  Hello Martin. Over the years I have read so much of your adventurers (if you could call them that =) and some of the great masters you quote from time to time. I know you have done a massive amount of research on your own. I was wondering about some of the unknown people in your […]

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