All posts in " Spain "

Spain Reveals EU Does Not Stand For Human Rights & Making Revolution Inevitable

October 1, 2017

The Spanish state police violence have turned against the people showing that they are clearly still a fascist reign supported by troops. Riot officers have been firing rubber bullets at crowds protesting in a Barcelona street, sending people running for cover. Countless are injured. This demonstrates that Spain is not a place for investment and one […]

Rajoy Shuts Down Airspace & Orders Google to Stop Assisting Separatists

September 30, 2017

The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy is becoming a disgrace to the image of a free society and is illustrating what governments do in a Private Wave – they become authoritarian whenever they lose power. Canada and Britain allow separatist votes. Why does Rajoy feel he has a right to kill people who want a separatist […]

BREXIT – Trump – Now Barcelona

September 29, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am the person who did not believe you when you came to Barcelona and said that there would be a separatist movement. The polls at that time showed only a 15% support. I still read and followed you I suppose to see if you would be wrong. I must say, your […]

Catalan Police are Siding with the People Against Madrid

September 28, 2017

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, the police in Barcelona are starting to defend the people against Madrid. Thank you so much! REPLY: The critical moment in any revolution is when the police/army switch sides to the people. Yeltsin stood on the tanks in Russia and the army stood down. In Ukraine, I warned that the people had […]

Spain To Send in Troops To Stop Voting for Independence

September 28, 2017

Spain has continued to show the world that fascism is alive and well. Madrid is sending in the troops to shut down the planned Independence Day vote in Catalonia. Madrid, according to Reuters, is taking steps to prevent the vote at all costs. They have ordered their regional police force to take control of all polling […]

Spanish Stock Market Reflects The Bearish Outlook for Spain

September 22, 2017

The one thing I have always said, markets never lie. The fact that Spain is showing that its government is still fascist is reflected in the performance of the share market. Spain has never exceeded its 2007 high and it is warning that a lower closing for 2017 may just see this market collapse into […]

Spain Showing the World It is Still A Fascist Government – Sell Spanish Debt

September 22, 2017

The Spanish government is facing the real moment of truth. It is displaying that it is by no means concerned about human rights nor is it a true democratic system. Spain has reverted to Franco fascism as now more than 40,000 people have gathered in Barcelona to protest over the Catalan independence vote being shut down […]

Spain Invades Barcelona & EU Shows Its Fascist Character

September 21, 2017

Spain has invaded Barcelona sending in an army of 16,500 as pretend riot police to effectively suppress and intimidate the people. Armed police have seized almost 10 million ballots for the referendum to shut down any democratic process showing the entire world that Spain is still fascist and that is really supported by Brussels. The […]

Catalonia Independence Vote October 1st

September 21, 2017

The Spanish government refuses to listen to anything from Catalonia  and announced it would intervene in Catalonia’s finances to ensure that “not one euro” of public money was used to fund the “illegal” vote. Meanwhile, the Spanish police arrested 13 people in the region of Catalonia and Madrid for their alleged involvement in planning a vote […]

Barcelona Terrorist Attack – Is Europe Lost?

August 20, 2017

Barcelona, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, was the target of the Islamic State in their latest terrorist attack to kill people on a wholesale basis. Spain has now mounted an all out sweeping anti-terror operation after an Islamist militant drove a van into crowds in Barcelona, killing 13 people and possibly injuring […]

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