All posts in " Terrorism "

Understanding Islam

October 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why do Islamic extremists hate us so much? ANSWER: I have asked why is Russia our enemy when they are no longer communist, but nobody can answer that question. The response is usually, “They are Russian.” There is this same residual issue between Islam and Christianity in many circles that people cannot explain. […]

Protests in Germany Turn Against Pro-Refugee Politicians

October 11, 2016

The resistance to the refugees in Germany keeps rising. German mayor Joachim Kebschull of Oersdorf had to be hospitalized after he was severely beaten after expressing support for asylum seekers. He was attacked from behind as he walked to a planning meeting on Thursday night. Michael Richter, the head of a party on the town council of Freital, on […]

5th Car Bomb Explodes in 2 Days in Spain

October 3, 2016

The expansion of terrorism in Europe is really becoming widespread. This does not look good as we move forward. Unfortunately, our Cycle of War Model we warned began to turn up in 2014 is still far from reaching a peak. The fifth car bomb in just two days has exploded in the northern Spanish city […]

Anti-Immigration Movement Turning Violent in Germany

September 29, 2016

In Dresden, Germany, right-wing activists are retaliating against the Muslim refugees. They are said to be behind two huge terror bombs at a mosque. This is the first attack on Muslims using bombs. This will not be the last. What Merkel has unleashed on Europe will continue to escalate as the economy turns down. Anti-immigrant movements correlate […]

Terrorism Turning to Knives, Axes & Machete rather than Suicide Bombings

September 20, 2016

The rise of militant terrorists home-grown is much greater than people realize. No gun control will stop them because the knife, hatchet and machete have begun to replace suicide bombings. It is taking place even in Canada. A man with a machete attacked police in a shopping mall in Calgary. There was the July 18th, 2016 attack […]

Terrorism strikes in Kashmir & New York City

September 18, 2016

We have terrorist attacks in Kashmir against the military and what may prove to be a home-grown terrorist attack using pressure cookers in New York City, similar to Boston. Unfortunately, as we move into 2018, we should expect terrorism to escalate, especially in Europe. However, terrorism based upon religion should be on the rise.

Merkel’s Party (CDU) Poised For Defeat in Berlin

September 17, 2016

Merkel’s CDU Party is now also poised to be defeated badly in Berlin. Protesters are around the city with signs saying “Merkel Go Home!” and yet politicians in Europe refuse to wake up to see what they have done. In France, the latest polls show the French do not want any more refugees. You would think that these people would […]

Using SIM Cards To Track Everyone

September 4, 2016

Thailand is looking to issue SIM cards to all tourists to protect national security. They say they will be able to respond to tourists in trouble, but they are really looking to track everyone because of the rising threat of Islamic extremism. Domestically, you are already being tracked. Google wants to “verify” who you are by using your […]

Why is August the Most Active Month for War?

August 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stated that August is the season of war. Can you explain a bit more than just that. I am sure you have before. But I am new to the blog. Thank you for opening my mind ND ANSWER: The majority of wars have begun in the spring and summer with August […]

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