Consumers Pay Tariffs
Donald Trump believes tariffs could offset taxes, but tariffs will be a tax in itself to the American consumer. Trump is proposing to raise taxes from 60% to 100% on [...]
Sometimes you really have to ask: Is French President Francois Hollande simply clueless? At a European Union summit, Hollande said he opposes Britain’s demands for special treatment for its financial markets as a way to keep Britain in the bloc. Hollande has bluntly said that Britain cannot veto what happens in the Eurozone. Hollande’s socialist agenda will never yield. He is so out of touch with reality. If Britain remains in the EU, it will be the end of the financial markets in Britain. You definitely want to get your money out before you cannot. There is little doubt that Hollande will outlaw shorts, and that will destroy liquidity. This may be the final straw that diverts the financial capital of the world to Asia.