All posts in " Basic Concepts "

Central Bankers & Politicians – Its Time for a Change

June 7, 2024

COMMENT: It was great seeing you here in Europe. It was even more interesting to see how the central banks are starting to use the ECM rather than wait six to nine months before acting. Back in 2007, your model turned in February, but the Fed Funds Rate did not drop to 3% until one […]

The Basics of Trading

May 28, 2024

The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The market enters a flash-type crash when the vast majority is LONG, and they try to sell, but there is no bid. Far too many people demonize trading such […]

Cap on Credit Card Late Fees Hurt Financially Illiterate Americans

March 6, 2024

The Biden Administration implemented a new rule that will cap credit card late fees at $8. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has praised the measure, estimating it will save Americans over $10 billion annually in late fees, or around $220 annually per person as 45 million Americans have experienced these fees within the last year, […]

State Wealth Migration

November 15, 2023

In 2019, New York hosted 72 billionaires. That figure has declined to 62 in 2023, with smart money fleeing the state due to high taxes and crime. The state of New York depends on the top 1% of earners to pay 42% of its tax burden. New York is already operating in a deficit and […]

6th Grader Lauren Arrington Shows Curiosity is Everything

November 13, 2023

  I have told the story before that when I was doing my reach early on at Princeton University’s Firestone Library, I became friends with a professor who had known Einstein who taught there. He said to me that I reminded him of Einstein. I was shocked because I was not making new theories in […]

Central Bank & The Taking of Assets?

November 7, 2023

I will be covering this in detail at the WEC in a couple of weeks. We are getting the same Conspiracy Theories regurgitated and twisted around. People are asking what is real and what is not. Suffice it to say, when you buy shares and leave them at the brokerage house, they remain in THEIR […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Long Term v Short Term

September 8, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – Long Term v Short Term Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit


April 29, 2023

  The post Tolerance first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

“They” Explained

April 25, 2023

People often ask who I am referencing when I refer to “they.” THEY are the leaders of the pack; the neocons. They are the people who create endless wars and use the people as their toy soldiers for war games—we are the toys. None of these wars affected our way of life and we had […]

Flight from Public to Private

September 18, 2019

QUESTION: Hi. Martin. I have read your blog for many years and I’m blown away about how much I have learned Question can you help explain how the European stock markets Like the day have risen to over 12000. With European interest rates falling. SH ANSWER: Capital is beginning to move already. Europe is closing […]

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