All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

Biden Blames Trump for his $1.8 Trillion Deficit – What Propaganda

October 22, 2024

I am sick and tired of all the constant lies. The Biden Administration blames Trump for its $1.8 trillion deficit. The interest expenditures will be about $1 trillion alone. Now, if you just accept that at face value, you are part of the problem when the United States will crash and burn. This makes it […]

Biden Wants Banks to Report All Transaction over $600

October 9, 2024

The Biden Administration is pushing banks to report every $600 transaction, whether a deposit or withdrawal, from every business or personal account. The Democrats want everything, and no matter how much they collect, they will always spend more. TAXES are really no longer even necessary along with borrowing. They never pay off the debt anyhow, […]

Property Taxes and Taxing You on Unrealized Gains

August 28, 2024

COMMENT: Hello Martin, they already “tax” the paper increase in property taxes. My tax bill went up 70% in the last two years. All I enjoy is an increases mortgage statement. I decided to fight it this time and from now on every year. After having looked into how they do come up with new assessments […]

The Truth About The Democrat’s $5 Trillion Tax Increase

August 27, 2024

The Democrats support always raising taxes that amount to robbing people with laws. They NEVER learn that Marxism has failed EVERY single time it has been tried. They do not give a damn about our country, our future, or retaining our culture. They are outright liars when it comes to claiming it is misinformation that […]

End Taxes on Social Security

August 5, 2024

The MAGA Republicans do not want to eliminate Social Security and Medicare, rather, they would like to eliminate the government’s double dipping through taxation. Donald Trump is now declaring that he would work to eliminate tax on Social Security for seniors. It was Ronald Reagan who first introduced tax on Social Security in March of […]

Global Wealth Tax for Climate Change

July 30, 2024

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is backing a global coalition along with the G20 nations to implement a global wealth tax. Lula believes there must be a 2% minimum tax on wealthiest 3,000 individuals, worldwide, in order to redirect those funds into climate change initatives. Finance ministers believe this could raise up to […]

Harris to Raise Corporate Income Tax

July 24, 2024

America is experiencing a 13-year high in corporate bankruptcies, with more companies going under than during the lockdown era of the pandemic. Companies are rushing to friendshoring opportunities to avoid the tax that comes with the Made in America label. Businesses are reluctant to hire even low-wage workers. America lost China as its top trading […]

Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals

July 22, 2024

Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians are not voting to decrease taxes for those who can barely get by. Instead, they’re permitting Americans to pull a mere $1,000 out of their retirement accounts without […]

Does the SCOTUS Support Capital Gains Taxes?

June 25, 2024

The government believes it has unlimited power to tax the citizens of the United States. The idea of capital gains taxes on unrealized earnings will be an economic nuclear disaster. The Democrat-appointed Supreme Justices believe that Moore v. United States does not exceed Congress’s Constitutional authority to tax unrealized gains. America’s entire future is on […]

US Taxpayers Hit With Record Penalties in FY23

June 24, 2024

The government has become desperate for funding, seeking out money from their own citizens through taxation. Not only have they raised taxes for every bracket, but the IRS managed to squeeze more money out of Americans through audits for fiscal year 2023 than any year on record. In fact, the IRS shook down Americans for […]

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