All posts in " European Union "

Hungary Being Pushed out of the EU?

July 24, 2024 The European Union has revoked Hungary of its right to host the next summit. The EU supposedly has a rotating presidency of council to maintain the appearance that each state has an equal say in the direction of the bloc. The truth of the matter is that the unelected elite in Brussels control all […]

Germany Bans Conservative Voices

July 19, 2024

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that the nation banned conservative Compact Magazine for allegedly inciting hatred. Authorities raided properties in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt to confiscate evidence and assets. “This magazine incites hatred against Jews, against people with a history of migration and against our parliamentary democracy in an unspeakable manner,” the minister […]

Ursula Vows to Protect Taiwan – Trump Vows to Charge Them for Protection

July 19, 2024

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has vowed to support Taiwan in securing impudence from China if re-elected. “The Indo-Pacific has become a decisive region for the world’s future,” she noted, stating that Europe will work with South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand to protect Taiwan. “This includes our collective efforts to deploy […]

Hungary Ostracized by the European Union

July 17, 2024

The European Union is far from an actual union. Those at the top in Brussels make the decisions, and everyone is expected to adhere blindly. Viktor Orbán of Hungary has long fallen out of favor with the European Union for opposing the war in Ukraine. August is Hungary’s round to host the next EU summit, […]

Brussels has More Power Than Rome – Italy Balks at Climate Change Agenda

July 1, 2024

Italy’s new PM, Giorgia Meloni, is learning that she cannot pick and choose what policies Italy would like to adopt from the ruling authority in the European Union. I was willing to give Meloni the benefit of the doubt after she rose to power from virtually nowhere as a perceived anti-establishment, right-winged nationalist candidate who […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Real Forecast for Europe et al

June 11, 2024

PRIVATE BLOG – The Real Forecast for Europe et al Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

The UK Will Deport Migrants to Rwanda

May 3, 2024

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak finally has the power to bypass the European Union courts and tackle the UK’s migrant crisis. About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. It is believed that the UK was forced to admit an astounding 60,000 undocumented illegal immigrants […]

Violent Crime in Germany Hits 15-Year High

April 10, 2024

Germany was once a safe nation. Violent crime has reached a 15-year high, with homicides, knife assaults, and rapes drastically increasing. Crime rose by 5.5% last year alone, with 6.6 million incidences reported. Other nations like the UK, US, Canada, France, Sweden, Finland, and everywhere else that permitted, if not encouraged, open border policies have […]

EU Border Chief Says Nothing Can Curb Illegal Migration

March 21, 2024

Europe’s migrant crisis has been multiplying since 2015 when former German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the gates to Syrian refugees. Everyone and anyone is now descending upon Europe, and with the backing of a centralized government in the form of the European Union, no agency can curb the unsustainable migration crisis because the invasion is […]

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