All posts in " Civil Unrest "

Germany Bans Conservative Voices

July 19, 2024

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that the nation banned conservative Compact Magazine for allegedly inciting hatred. Authorities raided properties in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt to confiscate evidence and assets. “This magazine incites hatred against Jews, against people with a history of migration and against our parliamentary democracy in an unspeakable manner,” the minister […]

The Propaganda Leading to the Dangerous Left

July 16, 2024   The nation was silent when President Joe Biden called Donald Trump’s supporters “domestic terrorists” who are the “greatest threat to the nation.” Demonizing Trump has extended to demonizing his supporters – over half of Americans, many of who cannot openly share their political beliefs without the fear of violence. Donald Trump has been […]

STAND DOWN – Let it Happen

July 15, 2024

  I have often explained that when I was in “civil contempt,” they tried to break me and prevent me from talking to my lawyers. They threw me into the “HOLE,” which was the most secure facility in the country alongside the terrorists from the first World Trade Center attack. They told my family I […]

Congress Must Investigate INDEPENDENTLY – Nothing Adds Up

July 14, 2024 There are many now calling for a serious investigation of the Secret Service. Nevertheless, we are entitled to answers NOW and no more JFK-style investigation BS that covered up the DEEP STATE, which may be involved again. Trump now knows the game, as I do; this time, he will have his own cabinet. That […]

Secret Service Complete Failure?

July 14, 2024

QUESTION: Marty: You have been warning that Trump might be assassinated because these people are unwilling to yield power. Your gut feeling is far better than anyone I know. Your opinion is always valuable, not just Socrates. Keep it up. Jeff COMMENT: Marty, you posted on the private blog on Feb 14, 2024; “The Neocons […]

Destroying America Because the the other side wins

July 14, 2024

What I can say for sure is that there are groups of people who would rather see the USA being destroyed than allow it to be led by people from “the other side.” Everything is connected. Kick over that one domino in front of you, like Trump, and it sets in motion unforeseen events. This […]

Democrat Staffer posts on Facebook – “DON’T MISS NEXT TIME”

July 14, 2024

  A staff member of the Democrat, Bennie Thompson, who wanted to remove Secret Service protection from Trump, posted on Facebook, “Don’t miss next time.”    The LEFT is always so hateful, and they always seek to impose their way upon everyone else with no remorse. Stephen King, another left-leaning advocate, comments that it is […]

Trump Beware – This Maybe only the First

July 14, 2024

The country is so polarized by this demonization of Trump that, beginning with Hillary calling half the country “deplorables,” what has set in motion is the decline and fall of our country. It was McCain who handed the fake dossier Hillary paid to have written against Trump all because the two of them were Neocons, […]

Cycle of Presidential Assassinations & Attempts

July 14, 2024

This photo will live in American History. The former President flinched onstage when he was shot, grabbed at his face, and dropped to the ground. Moments later, Trump was helped to his feet by Secret Service agents, and he delivered definitive proof that he survived this assassin. He raised his right fist toward the sky […]

Trump’s Attempted Assassin is Dead

July 14, 2024

The attempted assassin targeting Trump was shot and killed by the Secret Service. The suspected gunman is dead, and two other spectators were critically injured, the Secret Service said in a statement. The Secret Service said that one attendee was killed in the shooting, while the Secret Service killed the suspected assassin. Mr. Trump said in […]

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