All posts in " Climate Change "

The War on Farming Continues – Denmark to Tax Cattle

July 3, 2024

The globalist cabal needs to control the food supply in order to control the masses. The World Economic Forum proposed ending gardening in general. Every nation is watching their farmland bought in bulk, with places like America seeing land taken away through eminent domain laws. The UK imposed a tax on chickens simply to prevent […]

Brussels has More Power Than Rome – Italy Balks at Climate Change Agenda

July 1, 2024

Italy’s new PM, Giorgia Meloni, is learning that she cannot pick and choose what policies Italy would like to adopt from the ruling authority in the European Union. I was willing to give Meloni the benefit of the doubt after she rose to power from virtually nowhere as a perceived anti-establishment, right-winged nationalist candidate who […]

Half of EV Owners Experience Buyers’ Remose

July 1, 2024

Consumers have been reluctant to make the switch to Electric Vehicles, and nearly half who have experienced buyer’s remorse. A new study by McKinsey & Co.’s Mobility Consumer Pulse polled 37,000 EV owners globally, 46% of whom said they are “very likely” to switch back to the combustion engine when purchasing their next vehicle. One […]

Gas Stove Warning Labels

June 19, 2024

Coming to a blue state near you, legislators would like to slap warning labels on gas-powered stoves. What is the warning? Lawmakers say that consumers should be aware that gas stoves release toxic fumes and are harmful to the environment. California, Illinois, and New York have all agreed to include labels that state gas stoves […]

Energy Bills to Rise Across US

June 11, 2024

The EPA is demanding that we abandon coal and fossil fuels without an alternative. The agency is seeking to shut down American power plants in favor of renewables. Energy prices are already reaching new highs. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) and the Center for Energy Poverty and Climate (CEPC) issued a warning that […]

Save American Power Plants

June 10, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) has introduced “Clean Power Plan 2.0” to eliminate new construction on natural gas-fired power plants and force coal-powered plants to close. This is part of the Biden-Harris plan to adhere to future net zero target emissions to combat the fabricated lie of climate change at the expense of the American […]

The White Earth Effect

May 30, 2024

The earth’s climate is anything but regular, with every year a repeat of the last. The White Earth Effect is the realization of what would happen if the earth was entirely covered in snow and ice. The bottom line is that the Earth would then reflect the sunlight rather than absorb it, and hence, the […]

Indefinite Weekend Driving Ban in Germany?

May 9, 2024

Germany is moving full speed ahead to reach their asinine climate targets. The citizens who are in essence the very carbon they wish to destroy must be punished for not sacrificing enough to uphold Angela Merkel’s Climate Protection Act. Transport Minister Volker Wissing is now threatening the German people with “an indefinite weekend driving ban.” […]

DeSantis Bans Lab-Grown Meat

May 6, 2024

Now more than ever it is the duty of the state, not the federal government, to protect its citizens. Ron DeSantis signed a new bill in an effort to save Florida’s agriculture and cattle industry, and possibly a boost to the leisure and hospitality sector as well. S.B. 1084 will prohibit companies attempting to “manufacture […]

Bad Hygiene is Good for the Environment

May 1, 2024

We are expected to sacrifice all of our Earthly comforts in the name of climate change. The latest issue brewing across the media is water conservation, specifically taking daily showers. Experts at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) state that the average 8-minute shower wastes 20 gallons of water. There are now calls to establish a […]

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