All posts in " Corruption "

Who Really Controls Your Access to Politicians? The SWAMP!

July 24, 2024   QUESTION: Marty, I watched Rep. Anna Paulina Luna interrogating the questionable Secret Service Director Cheatle. Paulina accused her of perjury. She says that Garland probably told her to stonewall. Paulina is your representative. Why has she not asked the Inspector General to investigate your case with all the evidence you presented in the […]

Many Doors Are Opening

July 20, 2024

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, There are two forecasts that you have made that have been remarkable.  The other one who said on more than one of your interviews that they would attempt to assassinate Trump. I believe it was in 2020 that you said whoever was elected may not finish his term. Do you think Biden […]

Trump Media – Playing Games?

July 18, 2024

Now, what is going around is that they corrected their SEC filing, reducing from 12 million puts on Trump Media to just 12, claiming it was an error. Let me explain something. Remember the old Solomon scam where they listed fake bids on US treasury bonds to influence the market? They were going to shut […]

The Scrubbed BlackRock Ad

July 16, 2024   Thomas Matthew Crooks was featured in a BlackRock commercial that has since been scrubbed from the internet. The World Economic Forum-aligned company that manages $10.6 trillion in assets claims that it is a mere coincidence that Crooks was featured in their advertisement. Reporter Laura Loomer first broke the news that BlackRock was tied […]

STAND DOWN – Let it Happen

July 15, 2024

  I have often explained that when I was in “civil contempt,” they tried to break me and prevent me from talking to my lawyers. They threw me into the “HOLE,” which was the most secure facility in the country alongside the terrorists from the first World Trade Center attack. They told my family I […]

The ETHICS Act – End Insider Trading in Congress

July 12, 2024

Both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate can agree on one thing – Congress has been using classified information to illegally trade stocks. Our public servants have been bought out by lobbyists and they no longer work for the public. A bipartisan group is passing on a formal consideration to prevent members of Congress and […]

Study: Vaccines had “NO Beneficial Effects”

July 5, 2024

YouTube recently removed an interview I participated in with Palisades Radio for mentioning this study. I have posted the video on Rumble at the bottom of this article and it can also be found on X and Spotify. “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic” conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, […]

Did Zelensky’s Wife Purchase Limited Edition Bugatti?

July 3, 2024

The nations toppling their budgets to provide blank checks to Ukraine should know where their money is being spent. We all know that a large portion of the money is circulated back into the military-industrial complex. Yet, the “greatest salesman in history” has certainly received his cut. Latest reports claim that First Lady Olena Zelenska […]

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