All posts in " Sovereign Debt Crisis "

Global Debt Reaches 326% of GDP

January 30, 2025

Total global debt has peaked to 326% of global GDP, adding an additional $12 trillion of debt in the last three quarters of 2024, according to the Institute of International Finance. This figure surpasses what we saw amid the pandemic and is expected to continually rise and governments continue to borrow with no intention of […]

When the US Government Defaulted on its Bonds

December 26, 2024

The first three Liberty bonds and the Victory Loan, sold to fund World War I, were indeed retired during the 1920s. However, because the terms of the bonds included a Ponzi Scheme that allowed the bondholder to swap them for the newer bonds, with superior terms, most of the debt from the first, second, and […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Can Bitcoin Crash 50%?

December 19, 2024

PRIVATE BLOG – Can Bitcoin Crash 50%? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

A Return to Gold is NOT the Solution

December 18, 2024

A lot of people are fixed on what money is and presume somehow that a return to precious metals will solve the problem. Precious metals are for personal use. They have never prevented any society from systemic economic collapse. Do not confuse hoarding gold to preserve wealth with a gold standard. We had one with […]

Undermining the Debt Creates Recessions and Depressions

December 11, 2024

Many mistakenly look to the stock market as the leading indication of economic security. The true culprit is the DEBT market, not the stock market, that leads to depressions and recessions. A recession, in comparison to a depression, is merely a minor impact that could be isolated to one nation. Unemployment will typically rise up […]

Biden Blames Trump for his $1.8 Trillion Deficit – What Propaganda

October 22, 2024

I am sick and tired of all the constant lies. The Biden Administration blames Trump for its $1.8 trillion deficit. The interest expenditures will be about $1 trillion alone. Now, if you just accept that at face value, you are part of the problem when the United States will crash and burn. This makes it […]

The First Soveregn Default of the United States on the Military

August 29, 2024

QUESTION: I had an argument with my son that what they teach in school is never the truth, not even about history. I was trying to find that writing you did years ago that the GI Bill was enacted only because they defaulted on the soldiers twice before. If I remember correctly, I think you […]

PRIVATE BLOG – States will Default Before the Feds

August 14, 2024

PRIVATE BLOG – States will Default Before the Feds Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

War & Freedom of Speech – Then the Default

August 2, 2024

I had the privilege of knowing Normal Rockwell back in the 1970s. His most famous war poster, created to raise money for World War II, asserted that if we lost, we would lose our freedom of speech. It is good that Norman is no longer with us. If he were alive today, he would be […]

Yellen’s Gimmick to Cut Interest Expenditures – Treasury QE

July 31, 2024

Clinton’s Gimmick Shifting to Short-term Funding to Reduce Interest Expenditures. I wrote as a guest columnist for the Wall Street Journal back on April 19, 1995, dealing with an issue that seemed to go over everyone’s head. At the time, President Clinton (1993-2001) was able to balance the budget, and nobody seemed to understand how […]

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