Muslim Immigrants Want Swiss to Change the Flag Because it is a Christian Symbol

Swiss Flag

Muslim immigrants will petition for a referendum in Switzerland to change the national flag. They argue it is a Christian symbol and the flag should represent the separation between church and state.

Swiss Guard Vatican

Well, what about the Swiss Guard who protects the pope? Less than 40% of Swiss are Catholic. This too would then offend the majority somehow. OOPS!

US Flag

Well, the U.S. flag has 13 stripes. Doesn’t this offend the states that joined the original 13 colonies since they are being slighted? Seems we are abandoning the past because of the present.

Then there is the income tax. The Bible says you should give only a tenth. “Tithe” means a tenth or 10%. Isn’t taxing everyone far more than 10% a violation of the First Amendment right of the Freedom of Religion? You cannot practice your religion if the government violates it by creating law. What haven’t the lawyers mounted a class action lawsuit under this position?

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