66% Of German People Against Merkel

66% Against Merkel

According to a recent poll, 66% of Germans are now against Merkel. As it now stands, if the election were today, she would find perhaps the lowest number of votes of any world leader. It is now impacting everything as vacation spots are seen as possible targets, especially in Spain and France where there is topless bathing. If these people cannot handle a short skirt, they would go really nuts with topless bathing. The poll also shows that 66% of the people are living in fear as they now see rising expectations over the migrant crisis sweeping Europe has reduced the “feeling” that Europe is safe. Now, TWO-THIRDS of Germans say that they expect Islamic State (ISIS) jihadists to attack their country in 2016. Vacationers seem to be looking to America rather than Europe this season. This may have a devastating blow to the European economy later this summer.

Erdogan Recep Tayyip - 2Meanwhile, the Turkish president has submitted a personal complaint against German comedian Jan Böhmermann for libel. The comedian wrote a poem that contains rough sexual references and accuses Erdogan of repressing Turkey’s national and religious minorities: Kurds and Christians. The fact that he was allowed to file something of this nature, and the German government did not reject it instantly, also shows how political this is all becoming with the refugees.

Heads of state cannot file such charges. This violates free speech and demonstrates that he truly is a dictator. Erdogan has been using the refugees by not allowing them to pass unless Europe pays him heaps of money. Obviously, I cannot now hold a conference in Turkey.



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