Merkel’s Party (CDU) Poised For Defeat in Berlin

Merkel Despair


Merkel’s CDU Party is now also poised to be defeated badly in Berlin. Protesters are around the city with signs saying “Merkel Go Home!” and yet politicians in Europe refuse to wake up to see what they have done. In France, the latest polls show the French do not want any more refugees. You would think that these people would respond and admit to the grave mistake.

T-shirts and signs are appearing in Germany, calling them not refugees, but “rapeugees”. It does not matter. They cannot admit what they have done. The general feeling is they are either terrorists or rapists. Those who were legitimate refugees with families have a lot to be angry about with the single men pouring into Europe.


Meanwhile, some say a candidate for the next Pope is Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Austria. Last Sunday was the church festival known as the “Holy Name of Mary,” which was first introduced in 1683 (333 years ago) in gratitude for the victory over the Ottomans in the Battle of Vienna. At that mass, he said, “Will there be an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims want that and say: Europe is at the end.”

Cardinal Schönborn said he was asking God to have mercy on Europe and to show mercy to its people. He said that Europe was “in danger of forfeiting our Christian heritage.”

The number of people who are outright terrified of what is taking place in Europe is growing significantly. The polls are clearly showing that the dissatisfaction with government is widespread.


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