Did Wikileaks Just Release the Real Final Nail in Hillary’s Coffin?


In today’s Wikileaks release of Podesta emails are legally the final nail in Hillary’s coffin and this is clearly something ANYBODY else would be criminally prosecuted. An email on March 2, 2015 shows an exchange between John Podesta and Clinton lawyer/aide Cheryl Mills saying bluntly: “On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails.” Of course the Democratic take is to say he really meant to “dump” all the emails to the public. But Hillary still deleted half, so if that is what he meant, well it still did not happen.

This is the very day that the New York Times broke the story “Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules–  March 2nd, 2015. It is not likely that Podesta suggested they “dump” all emails to the public. The Clintons are not known for such transparency. Here we have clear evidence of obstruction of justice, which is a felony they charged Franck Quattrone for and put Martha Stewart in prison. This is just days before Hillary’s press conference addressing this revelation that she had a personal email account, and server, in her home. It now is known that Huma Abedin also had an email account on that server.

Hillary Button 2008Here we have Podesta saying the emails must be dumped on March 2nd just two days before the House Select Committee on Benghazi sent Hillary Clinton a document retention subpoena on March 4th.

Mills’ response to Podesta: “Think you just got your new nick name.”
Frank Quattrone was indicted by a federal grand jury on criminal  charges of obstruction of justice for a SINGLE email that read clean up those files in December 2000. If such charges are good enough for the private sector, then why are they not for those in the public sector? Oh sorry. That’s right. They are America’s First Family! I forgot. My bad! That’s God, country, apple pie, and his & her bimbos with his and her private jets for charity of course at taxpayer expense.

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