Trump Won the Popular Vote Excluding California


California is being used to justify handing the crown to Hillary despite the fact she conceded claiming she has 2 million more votes for her. But California is where her margin was 3.7 million over Trump. That means Trump beat Hillary even in the popular vote in the rest of the nation excluding California by 1.7 million. This notion that the “American people” voted for Hillary is not exactly on point.

The allegations of large scale voter fraud in California to keep Bernie down for Hillary are widespread. There was even a recent study by Stanford University that established Hillary Clinton‘s campaign pre-rigged the system to steal the nomination from Bernie Sanders.(stanford-university-confirms-democratic-election-fraud-your-news-wire) Then there were the DNC emails showing the conspiracy within the Democratic Party to steal the nomination from Bernie. This was never more apparent than in California where Bernie Sanders voters were likely robbed of a legitimate candidate—and they know how it happened and who is to blame. So is California justification to Hand Hillary the crown?

This claim that Hillary won the popular vote is interesting. If we exclude California’s 3.7 million margin for Hillary over Trump, that means Trump got 1.7 million more votes than Hillary in the whole country eliminating California. She is claiming perhaps the votes were hacked in Michighan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. What about California? If it was rigged for her against Bernie, can it be trusted at all? California is the most left-leaning state in the union. They tax the highest as if you lived in Germany. If you live in California, stay away from dividend stocks and get out of the state if you plan to retire. In California, the top rate is 13.3%. Hawaii comes in not far behind at 11%. And California is in an endless cycle of raising taxes because it is incapable of managing its affairs. The worse states to retire in are the Blue (Democratic States) with New York the WORST and California in the top 10. You work hard your whole life and then they still demand more even when you no longer work. So much for caring for the average working person.

The likelihood of voter fraud with individuals voting twice or deal people magically voting is really quite low. The AP citied a study of Loyola Law School that found just “31 instances involving allegations of voter impersonation out of 1 billion votes cast in U.S. elections between 2000 and 2014.” In yet another study by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School, they reported that they “found many reports of people voting twice or ballots being cast on behalf of dead people were largely the result of clerical errors that suggested wrongdoing when none had occurred.” They added: “Voter fraud is so incredibly rare that it has no impact on the integrity of our elections…You are more likely to be struck by lightning, more likely to see a UFO, than to be a victim of voter fraud.” So a recount is rather absurd from this perspective. The only way to challenge such a vote is to claim rigging by those counting. That is, after all, what Stalin said: elections are determined by those who count, not those who vote.

The entire election cycle seems to reflect Karl Marx’s view that supported his theory of a totalitarian state:

The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.—Karl Marx

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