The New Virus – Unknown & Mysterious Again
QUESTION: Hi Martin, Hope all is well and Happy New Year. Are you keeping track of this new virus going around in China? Is is apparently in the Ukraine now too? [...]
COMMENT: Hi Marty…youre a legend!
REPLY: Actually, Ashley just flew in from our office in Abu Dahbi (UAE). It is 60 degrees there and 75 here in Florida. When we looked at the map globally, Indonesia and Australia were in the 70s as well, but everywhere else was cold. I was trying to get closer to global warming when I moved to Florida. I think the computer got this one right, at least for now. The press is, as always, desperately trying to support global warming. The recent stories of 2016 being the hottest year desperately avoids the details and uses inflammatory statements. Mainstream media is nothing more than propaganda whenever there is a political issue at stake.