The Euro & Optimistic Fool

COMMENT: Marty; I see what you mean that it does not matter what the fundamentals are, markets move based upon what people belief be it right of wrong. To what the euro rally reminds me of the DOT.COM bubble. Blue skies forever.

REPLY: Yes. Human nature is such that we act always in anticipation of future events. This is why professional traders have always said – buy the rumor but sell the news. Markets simply MUST push to the extremes in both directions. That sucks the fools in to always buy the high and sell the low. That reminds me of the 1940 song Fools Rush In (Where Angels Fear to Tread) by Frank Sinatra.

Only the smart ones go on to try to analyze why they lost and learn from their mistakes. The majority, will not buy that instrument again and look for some other investment to reach the “blue skies forever” as you put it.

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