China a Different Breed of Government

QUESTION: Why do you say China will replace the West when their government is still the communist party?

ANSWER: China is no more communist than Donald Trump. There is a cycle of life through which we all pass including governments. China revolted against communism. The government may retain that name, but they are no communist in that sense of the word.

I have explained before that Russian communism was concerned about what you thought where as China adopted the tall poppy policy. If Stalin thought you would be a threat to his power you were killed. In China, you could think what you wanted provided you did not step up publicly.

China is not at the same place in the cycle of life as we see in Europe and America. Therefore, China is on the rise and will replace the West which is burdened with socialism they cannot possibly afford.  China learned its lessons and is moving forward despite the name of the government party.

If things got worse in the West, I would apply to China for political asylums.

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