No Advertising

COMMENT: Thank you so much for not taking advertising. When you try to read articles o0n other sites, up pops some advert blocking everything until you click to get rid of it. This is the most frustrating experience. Thank you so much.

REPLY: No worries. I hate that as well. Such sites have lost touch with what this is all about. Yet they are publishing for a profit and staff costs money. Abusive advertising is annoying. Yet more than that, if we took even less intrusive advertising, then every fast-dealing organization would be pitching gold, cryptocurrencies, or whatever. I would never want to be seen as endorsing anything offered in advertisements.

Best to keep this as a public service. You do not have to register to view the site, now are you bombarded with sales gimmicks. We do not even blast out emails trying to sell you endless nonsense.

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