To Trade anything You Must Understand What is Happening


I took your advice back in November about a potential January DJ high and it has paid off for me well.
I am a small-time personal investor and am wondering about the content of the Vertical Market Report – is this something tailor made for the Professional / Hedge fund trader?
I am considering purchasing but given the price, I would like it to be beneficial given my situation.
Appreciate any further advice you can give,


ANSWER: That Report is NOT for in-and-out trading. It covers position investing so you do not have to be in and out. You are not trying to sell the precise high. You position trade this type of market and it tells you when to get out. However, the most important aspect is the report explains what is unfolding. You have to have CONFIDENCE in order to trade a market. If you understand what is unfolding, then you can trade it. If you lack the understanding, you will not be able to invest or trade.

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