How Cycles to Diseases are Ignored


It is amazing to me how, outside of physics, the world remains ignorant to the cycles that control absolutely everything right down to the cycle of life. Ebola, like everything else, conforms to cycles. Now another outbreak has just blinked in the Congo where there have been  two confirmed cases after a resurgence nearly 10 months from the last outbreak.

It is amazing how cycles never seem to be understood. Just about everyone has heard of the Black Death of 1348 and the Great Plague of 1665 that devastated London.

  • Great Plague of England (1348–1350)
  • London Plague (1592–1594)
  • Great Plague of London (1664–1665)
  • Bubonic plague The Third Pandemic (started in China; 1855 and was periodic into 1950s globally)

Nonetheless, both of these major events were no doubt terrible outbreaks of a disease that killed thousands of Londoners. However, what is less well-known than these famous outbreaks is that these were only two of nearly 20 outbreaks that London suffered between 1348 and 1665. That’s right. There were 20 such events with a cyclical frequency of about 16 years, killing around 20% of London’s population each time. There were four major events which conform to a cycle of about 112 years. There were even lesser outbreaks inbetween the major ones and sometimes the disease could continue for several years in a less serious form. When we put the entire list into the computer up until the present era, what popped out was a frequency of 8.6 years. Obviously, this too moves like the ECM, builds in intensity, and produces the big events. The next big one comes up in 2033 — one year after the ECM peaks.

There are diseases that have wiped out the population when it turned cold and there was a poor harvest. That type of event took place in 1555, 1586, 1596, 1623, 1723, and later in 1846. This cluster of disease was caused when the energy output of the Sun was at a minimum and the climate turned cold. The 1846 event was hot and dry. This is what we must be concerned about with global cooling.

The greatest danger is the fact that with the migration of refugees into Europe, this presents a serious risk for carriers of the disease. Politicians are totally ignorant of life in general. It was Gaëtan Dugas (February 20, 1953 – March 30, 1984) who was a Canadian employee and flight attendant of Air Canada who brought AIDS from Africa to North America. It was the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who traced it all the way back to this one individual they called “patient zero.” Despite the fact this has been disputed, the point is that someone, if not Dugas, crossed borders transporting the disease with them.

The one disease that the migrants have brought into Europe has been tuberculosis. Just being exposed to a person in the same restaurant or airplane carries the risk of you becoming infected as well. I turned up positive because of my travels and had to be treated.

There is another tremendous risk which is criminal prosecutions in the USA. Anyone charged with a crime takes precedence over anything else. America is importing diseases from South America and Africa because the prosecutor needs to further their career. If the person is sick, who cares. They must be punished and that takes precedent. They never provided any health care for prisoners in London. The plagues would begin in the prisons. Not until they figured that out and judges with prosecutors began to die did they begin to take care of prisoners. It was not for them – it was for the judges and prosecutors. Still, many prisoners die because they are not taken care of. They will report that in Britain, but the American press ignores the treatment of prisoners and always supports the government as a general rule.

There is no question that with all the cross-border connections taking place right now, it is impossible to contain any disease to one area.

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