Debt is Only Money that Pays Interest

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to your interview with Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog. For the first time, I really understand that debt is money that pays interest. That is the real money supply which is leveraged. It is the interest that keeps expanding the debt and forcing taxes higher and higher until it can’t expand anymore. Is this the end game?

I only hope when this house of cards comes tumbling down, you will be there to help.

Please keep up your



ANSWER: We will see interest expenditures exceed military next year in the USA. Only then will people perhaps begin to pay attention to what I have been saying. Can you imagine that the debt of all nations is about to explode with the slightest uptick in interest rates? We will be going over this issue at the WEC. Just look at Italy when rates soared from 0.3% to 2.5% in a single day. When I say interest rates can rise DRAMATICALLY, this is no joke. The Quantitative Easing in Europe and Japan have destroyed their bond markets. The central banks buy everything. The Bank of Japan bragged how they bought 97% of the new debt. Hello! That means there is no market!

People always ask me why I do what I do meeting with political governments around the world and I do not charge them a dime! The answer is simple. If I took money from them, then I would be beholding to them. Strangely enough, they call me because they know I will tell the truth. The research we put out is NOT for sale to the highest bidder to be manipulated to support some agenda like they do in everything else right down to Global Warming. Yes, there are governmental agencies that pay for Socrates. That is different from meeting with me personally.

I am called (1) because there is no conflict of interest and (2) our computer is tracking the entire world and its forecast cannot be manipulated. So do you want to call someone who you pay to fashion studies to support whatever political agenda you have today? Or do you really want to know when the shit will hit the fan?



Paper money used to pay interest during the civil war. Nothing has really changed. Debt is now just money that pays interest. We have returned full circle.


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