Goldman Sachs v JP Morgan

QUESTION: You mentioned that Goldman Sachs can take down the entire banking sector. Do you see this correlating in the future?


ANSWER: Here is Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan. The first thing you will notice is that JP Morgan has been in a REAL bull market. Goldman has not. I am a firm believer that the markets instinctively forecast major future trends if you know how to read them. Now, look at the arrays. They both are showing the major target as the 4th quarter of 2020. JP Morgan shows the 2nd quarter of 2019 as a turning point. Look at the pattern difference with Goldman Sachs. There is no question that Goldman will do whatever it takes to try to survive calling in every political marker possible. However, because of this Malaysia scandal is worldwide involving four countries, pulling this off is not going to be easy. Its huge fees that were 10x that of any other firm to do this deal smells of something wrong. I know brokers who were denied the right to even bid on this project.

The bottom line is clear. Just go by the Reversals. Not even Goldman Sachs can overcome them.

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