A Strong US Dollar is the Only Way to Create Change

COMMENT: It is interesting how these people take your interviews and inject headlines like you say the dollar will collapse in April 2019 when you have said exactly the opposite. Just unbelievable how these people use your name to promote their BS.


REPLY: I know. They keep preaching the dollar will collapse when it is exactly the opposite. They are trying to sell their biased view which is always based upon the idea of the quantity theory of money – the same exact philosophy used by the central banks in Quantitative Easing.

The ONLY way the monetary system will break is with a STRONG dollar – not a weak dollar.The monetary system has broke ONLY when the dollar rises as in 1934 and 1985. The US always wants a weak dollar to increase corporate profits and and create a trade surplus. It is really quite amazing how these people keep preaching the same nonsense for decades and have never been right for more than 30 years.


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