The First Clean Air Act was 535AD

To me, all this propaganda that humans are responsible for climate change implies that somehow the climate is static and would not be changing but for human activity. This may make great headlines and inspire youth to create strikes and march upon the institutions of capitalism demanding their closure. However, any unbiased review of history reveals a shocking fact – the climate has ALWAYS changed and it too has been a force incorporated in the Economic Confidence Model.

Civilization has always expanded during warming periods and collapsed during global cooling. Simply correlating historical weather and disease reveals a very solid relationship. When there are global cooling periods, this is when disease rises and the worst plagues take place. When it turns cold, crops fail and malnutrition takes place weakening people’s immune systems leaving them more susceptible to plagues.

This global warming seems to have risen to a religion and it is being used by the Communists/Socialists to kill the Industrial Revolution and redistribute the wealth. Raising all the taxes in the world is ONLY pure PUNISHMENT – there is no program to reverse climate change – no fantastic machine. Anyone who was really a scientist just has to look at the historic data on temperature and you will discover that civilization thrives when it gets warm, and it contracts when it gets cold. But above all else, it has ALWAYS changed.

In 61AD, Seneca the Younger (c. 4BC– 65AD) the philosopher, statesman, and adviser to Emperor Nero who ordered him to commit suicide, wrote about the pollution in Rome.

“No sooner had I left behind the oppressive atmosphere of the city [Rome] and that reek of smoking cookers which pour out, along with clouds of ashes, all the poisonous fumes they’ve accumulated in their interiors whenever they’re started up, than I noticed the change in my condition.”

Pollution has had its cycles as well and this entire Global Warming nonsense implies that it has ONLY been post-Industrial Revolution that threatens the planet and we will all die in 12 years according to AOC, our latest entertainer in Congress. Low and behold, pollution became so bad that the capital city of the Roman Empire, Constantinople, that the Emperor Justinian I (527-565AD) even enacted the first known Clean Air Act.

In 535AD, then Emperor Justinian I proclaimed the importance of clean air as a birthright. “By the law of nature these things are common to mankind—the air, running water, the sea.”

There has always been pollution. When there are forest fires started by lightening, they put off CO2. Volcanoes put out CO2. Plants and trees need CO2 to survive. This is simply a divine mechanism of how the earth functions.

The entire climate change issue has become a covert means in this final confrontation between the left and the right. This is the very issue that will destroy the Western Society for it has been elevated to such heights and governments love it for all they see is more power and money. The activists behind the curtain are simply Marxists who are determined to make communism work one more time.

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