Biden Given Ukraine $376 per Every American to Defeat Russia

Let’s put this insanity in perspective. Russia’s entire military spending in 2021 hit $66bn. Biden has handed Ukraine nearly TWICE the entire military budget of Russia to destroy Russia to make the dreams of the Neocons come true. He has handed Ukraine, the most corrupt country perhaps in the world, the equivalent of $376 from the pocket of every American including your newborn.

Biden is also paying for ALL expenses of the entire Ukrainian government. Every government salary and all their pensions. All of this is because the Neocons seized control of the White House in the absence of any qualified personnel.

Nearly half of the Ukrainian people have left Ukraine. I seriously doubt that they see this as in their best interest. They have lost their homes and their future as well as employment all because the Neocons instructed that the Minsk Agreement has to be fake and that it was used to bait Putin to come to the rescue of the Donbas after the Neocons started the Ukrainian Civil War.

John McCain ran there to Ukraine and told them to attack the Donbas and openly met with the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis. Anyone who calls this Russian Propaganda as they did with the Hunter Biden Laptop, is promoting the Neocons & their destruction of the world with World War III – they are the real warmongers and criminals. So, like the Ukrainian people, you should look at your future, your family, and your employment, for the Neocons do not give a rats ass, as they say, about you or anything.

They proposed to President Kennedy kill Americans and blame that on Cuba to justify invading Castro for regime change. Kennedy refused and would not support them in Vietnam – so the CIA relieved the Neocons of their obstruction. They have the perfect president – Senile Joe with his WOK Administration who has ZERO experience in Washington which has been easy picking for the Neocons to create their dream – World War III.


The post Biden Given Ukraine $376 per Every American to Defeat Russia first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

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