NO REFORM without the crash and burn

QUESTION: So you do not think anyone running for office in 2024 will succeed in making any difference?


ANSWER: No. We have crossed the Rubicon on that score. Trump would at least fight hard against them, but our computer does not show that there is anyone coming in on a white horse to save the day. We simply have to crash and burn and then we get to redesign a new form of government. You get NO REFORM without the crash and burn.

Just look at the debt ceiling nonsense. All this is about is reducing the amount of deficit spending. It is IMPOSSIBLE to run a balanced budget or return to some gold standard. You would have to extinguish politics as we know it. There can be no running for office and promising all sorts of free stuff and the NEOCONS could wage their endless wars that never win. Politicians would not know how to even campaign. Anyone who believes the 2020 election was NOT rigged, is just a fool.

Getting rid of Trump was not a Democrat v Republican conspiracy theory, it was a strategic movement to seize control of the state. Why would they even push Biden to run again when his polls have collapsed to 30%? You will see, he will win and the entire world will see how corrupt it has all become. We are living in a Deep State coup of unelected bureaucrats ruling what your life will be. Digital currencies will control every aspect of how you spend. You will not even be allowed to donate to any reform party. Look at Trudeau and the Truckers.

The post NO REFORM without the crash and burn first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

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