You Have 8.6 Years Left – Politics of Fools

QUESTION: Dear Martin,
DeSantis announced his run for the Republican candidacy. You’ve mentioned several times he would be eaten by the career politicians in Washington. What if he becomes Trump’s running mate? Would that be a good course?
Sincerely, Martijn

ANSWER: That would be the only way I would see DeSantis as having any real influence. As I have said, I was asked if I would talk Trump out of running and join the advisory team for DeSantis last year. I declined. I replied that everything has changed and that they would just eat him for lunch as they did to Trump when he first walked into Washington.

Washington has declined so much so, that the fools on the Hill now think just switching to a Republican will make it all better. The Biden administration has inflicted so much political damage as well as division among the people, the USA must fall. It cannot stand as one nation with such division. And it is not even Biden – who is the real symbol of the Fool on the Hill. He is only the puppet just like the last emperors of Rome.

I do not care that the propaganda claims the election of 2020 was not rigged. Of course, it was, but not by the Democrats. They too are naive. The Deep State is in full control. The CIA convinced Trump to delay the release of JFK files until after the election. They played Trump like a fiddle. When Biden got in, he granted their perpetual stay to cover up their involvement. The FBI was out to prevent a Trump victory. Anyone who thinks that the CIA, NSA, or FBI cannot change the vote is an even bigger fool. They should grab a gun and go fight for Zelensky.

NONE of this from war to climate would have taken place under Trump. I said I had gone to Mara Largo in March 2020 for dinner and that is when Trump actually impressed me. He said he would pull the troops out of Afghanistan because he was tired of writing letters to parents explaining their son died for God and their country. He said they were fighting over borders that for 1,000 years. What difference are we going to make?

Perhaps you will remember in January 2019, Iran shot down an American drone. There is no question that John Bolton, Trump’s national security adviser at the time, was provoking Iran-U.S. tensions. He wanted another war. Quite frankly, Bolton would invade Canada to hunt down a Russian. Trump fired the Neocons, and rightly so. There is NO WAY they will allow a free election in 2024 and as a last resort they will assassinate Trump for now he understands the real game in Washington. They can now freely assassinate him since they are moving to digital currency and won’t have to look at his face on a coin or dollar bill.

Trump is clearly the better choice because he knows the real game now in Washington. They will eat DeSantis for lunch and spit him out. The Deep State is in full control. And for those who hate Trump, don’t be fooled. Sorry, Dorothy, you are not in Kansas anymore. Party politics is DEAD! This is the decline and fall of the United States and Western Civilization. You have 8.6 years left. In Washington, this has become the politics of fools. The more they lose control, the more totalitarian they will become.

The World Health Organization (WHO) can make recommendations after the declaration of a global emergency. It has no definitive control over any nation’s decisions. However, as we saw with COVID, countries bow to the WHO and that included the Biden Administration. The left zealots love to scream loudly that conservatives falsely claim that amendments proposed by the Biden administration to existing global health regulations, and a new WHO pandemic treaty, will threaten U.S. sovereignty. They are actually correct, but not that the WHO will have absolute control. That would be UNCONSTITUTIONAL. But the Biden Administration wants to push for “voluntary” compliance and surrender our policy to conform to that of the WHO.

Trump was correct – NATO and the WHO should be defunded. They are both power-hungry organizations that exert only their own self-interests. When Communism fell, there was no longer a need for NATO. The days of Kruschev were gone. Putin, Yeltsin, and Gorbachev were never interested in invading Europe to spread communism. That boast died long ago.

The American NEOCONS adopted the opposite view that they would conquer the world and spread their version of “democracy” which is really their pretend version of a free government since they are never elected. NATO had no purpose but kept the idea that Russia wanted to conquer the world. They have always promoted war – never peace.

From the very beginning of the UN, they too have dreamed of becoming the one-world government. This remains the agenda and they too promote war in hopes of rising in their glory to become the great peacemaker and solidify their power. This is why the exercise of power at the WHO is surfacing and it is all promoted by the World Economic Forum which is the Marxist brainchild of Schwab.

The United Nations from the very beginning was against personal freedom. They always advocated complete control which is what is now taking place.

The post You Have 8.6 Years Left – Politics of Fools first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

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