Homelessness at All-Time High in World’s Wealthiest Nation


Homelessness has reached a new high in America, the wealthiest nation in the world. The 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report compiled by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) revealed that over 650,000 Americans have nowhere to call home. The number of homeless individuals spiked by 12% from 2022; worse, homelessness levels are now at 16% for families with children.

“HUD data indicates that the rise in overall homelessness is largely due to a sharp rise in the number of people who became homeless for the first time,” the report found. The number of people who became “newly homeless” rose 25% from 2021 to 2022. The number of people previously homeless declined by 8%.

Around 49% of the homeless population is within the state of California. New York saw the largest uptick in homelessness after rising an astounding 42% (25,185 human beings) from 2022 to 2023. Of the major US cities, New York City (88,025), Los Angeles (71,320), and Seattle (14,149) have the largest homeless populations.

HUD speaks extremely highly of the Biden-Harris Administration and its efforts to combat homelessness in the report. HUD primarily blames housing affordability for the crisis, stating that new construction on government-assisted living properties funded through the American Rescue Plan will help get people off the streets. What the report fails to mention is that you must have next to nothing to qualify for government assistance.

Numerous assisted living plans require an individual to earn less than 100% of the Federal Poverty Level. The federal poverty level (FPL) in the United States varies based on the number of individuals in a household and the state of residence. For instance, the 2023 FPL for a household of one is $14,580, and for a family of four, it is $30,000. If a minimum wage worker held a full-time job at $7.25 per hour and worked 40 hours per week, they would earn $15,080 and exceed the poverty level.

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People basically must completely exit the workforce and rely entirely upon the government to qualify. There are countless Americans sleeping in their cars or couch surfing who work respectable jobs and contribute to our society. People are moving in with their parents well into their adult years, and the Baby Boomer generation is nearing retirement and must rely on rapidly dwindling savings. People have begun calling tent cities “Bidenvilles” as a nod to the shantytown “Hoovervilles” during the Great Depression.

We are seeing society separated into the “haves” and “have nots.” The average American is either successful enough to live paycheck to paycheck and make ends meet or utterly dependent on government.

This is all by design. They cannot usher in 15-minute cities and Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) if everyone is thriving. Every time you hear of a new spending package for a foreign nation, remember that your neighbor, who has paid taxes all of his or her life, is likely a few missed paychecks away from homelessness.

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