The Plan for Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)

Unelected globalists at the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have been working on the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) for the past decade, which is step one for the digital ID system.

“Digital public infrastructure (DPI) is a shared means to many ends. It is a critical enabler of digital transformation and is helping to improve public service delivery at scale. Designed and implemented well, it can help countries achieve their national priorities and accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals. Governments, donors, the private sector and civil society alike have an opportunity to shape it – join us!”

Digital Identity Chart

Per usual, they are marketing this program as a convenient way for the modern-day man to access documents. Using the data from DPI, 100 countries are expected to progress toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

“Following the G20 Leaders Declaration in 2023, Digital Public Infrastructure is a key breakthrough that gives the momentum needed to change course and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, across all 17 SDGs. As new technologies advance at an exponential rate, there is an acute opportunity for entire communities to benefit from a growing array of life-changing digital solutions — from digital cash transfers to e-health – given proper investments in their own DPI.”

The plan is to track absolutely everyone, including the 2.6 billion people who do have access to the internet. Forget clean water, food, or shelter – let’s waste resources to compile their data. Speaking of resources, they are already requesting more funding since the pandemic “widened the annual SDG financing gap in developing countries from $2.5 trillion to $3.9 trillion, and similarly, available funds for DPI fall short of the escalating global needs.” Yes, trillion.

The program will even enable the globalists to completely censor the news. They said that this will tackle misinformation during elections, or rather, another tool for propaganda.

Bill Melinda Gates Foundation

None other than Bill Gates has a hand in this madness. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is supporting the “50 in 5” program that aims to help 50 countries develop their own DPI by 2028.

DPI will enable the globalists to promote SDG in the following ways:

  1. SDG1 No Poverty: DPI could lead to a cycle of increased economic resilience, added job opportunities and reduced poverty levels to help as many as 670 million people (or 8.4 per cent of the world population) living in extreme poverty.
  2. SDG5 Gender Equality: DPI could enhance service delivery to more than 250 million women.
  3. SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth: Enabling DPI can bring access to financial institutions for more than two billion people who do not have a bank account.
  4. SDG13 Climate Action: Using DPI for common Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems and interlinking carbon registries can reduce CO2 emissions equal to 3–4 percent of current LMICs’ emission reduction targets.

This is absurd. They want us to believe that they could eliminate poverty entirely by forcing every nation to hand over complete control to an unknown few. They want gender equality, but wait – what’s a woman? The only economic growth they see from this project is further taxation that will never benefit the people. Of course, they have to throw in climate change since that’s the main cash grab scare tactic.

Don’t you see? All of the world’s problems could be resolved if you abandoned your freedoms.

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