What Climate Change Zealots Refuse to Listen To


Milutin Milanković was a Serbian geophysicist and astronomer who, in the 1920s, calculated what has become known as the Milankovitch Cycle, describing the collective effects of changes in the Earth’s movements on its climate millions of years. He hypothesized that variations in eccentricity, axial tilt, and precession combined, creating cyclical variations in the intra-annual and latitudinal distribution of solar radiation on the Earth’s surface. This cycle has greatly influenced climate, resulting in major climatic patterns.

The Axil Precession goes back to the ancients’ observations. The Maya discovered this movement because when they built a temple, they aligned with the stars only to discover that the stars had moved. The Earth’s axis of rotation, known as the Precession of the Equinox, was calculated to have a period of about 25,700 years. I believe the accuracy of the Economic Confidence Model frequency 8.6 is a source derived from this movement of the Earth itself. The calculations I ran further refined that approximation of 25,700 years to 25,800 years of 3 x 8.6.

I believe that the 100,000-cycle may actually be 95,852 years in length. Milankovitch believed that the angle of the Earth’s axial tilt had the greatest effect on climate and that it did so by varying the summer insolation in northern high latitudes. Therefore, he concluded that there was a 41,000-year period of ice ages. However, in Science back in 1976, Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton published “Variations in the Earth’s Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages. For 500,000 years, major climatic changes have followed variations in obliquity and precession. Their work asserted that 23,000, 42,000, and approximately 100,000 years were involved, which have impacted the ice age cycles of the Quaternary glaciation over the last million years. This most likely might be refined at 43,000 (8.6 /2).  Their work confirmed the hypothesis proposed decades earlier by astronomer Milutin Milankovitch.

Milankovitch Cycle 2

Some have been arguing that since this Milankovitch Cycle predicts that we should be getting colder, while it has been getting warmer since 1970 when the scientists were predicting an ice age was coming, this is all because of CO2 and Methane gas. They blame farming that cuts down trees, adding CO2 to the atmosphere, and in Asia, rice farming produces methane. Throw in cars, and we are doomed thanks to the Industrial Revolution, where we should somehow return to the Stone Age. This is why there are some cheering nuclear war in hopes of reducing the population by 50%.

Solar_Cycle 11 years

They REFUSE  to look at the sun’s beating between solar maximum and minimum. They only want to take the data that supports their predetermined conclusion—kill 50% of the population to save the planet. The peak in the solar cycle tends to correlate with the major turning points in the war cycle. Extending the 11-year solar cycle back in time even brings us to the fall of Rome.

There is a correlation between solar activity and volcanoes. VEI is a logaritmic scale, so to create the same impact of one VEI 7, you need 10 VEI 6, 100 VEI 5, 10,000 VEI 4 or 100,000 VEI3. Volcanoes not only throw up dust that deflects the sun’s energy, which Bill Gates wanted to shoot up particles to permanently block the sun, but the higher the explosion also shoots ash much higher into the atmosphere, and a VEI 5+ may reach the stratosphere. Consequently, the impact of a VEI 5 would occur every 12 years and a VEI 9 only once every 27,000 years. This is what causes the big mass extinctions that appear to be cycles of multiples of 31.4 million years following Pi.

Evidence suggests that volcanic winters occur during the Solar Minimum and have caused events like the massive 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), which was a VEI7. This eruption was probably the largest since the 6th century AD, producing devastation between 535 and 536 AD. It is believed that the year without a summer was probably enhanced due to the 1814 eruption of Mayon in the Philippines, which was VEI4. Even just taking the 1814 and 536 events, dividing that by 8.6 and dividing that results again by 8.6 brings us to 17.2, which is twice the 8.6 frequency.

Pompeii Corpse

Even looking at historical records, we find that major volcanic eruptions have brought down empires. It is assumed that Thera (Santorini) erupted between 1600 and 1700 BC, which destroyed the Minoan Empire. Then, the Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD was probably the most famous of all eruptions.

Titus AE Sesterius Colosseum r

Emperor Titus rushed to open the Coliseum after Pompeii’s destruction. We can date his coin to 80AD since he was granted the Consulship VIII for that year. This was one way of trying to change the mood, much like rushing to open the Empire State Building during the Great Depression, to demonstrate that things would be getting better.

Titus Atonement for Pompeii

Additionally, Titus devoted much of his silver coinage of Atonement to the gods for the disaster of Pompeii. There were four main Atonement issues commemorating the services of prayer and propitiation through which the emperor attempted to address the public alarm over the disaster. People often attributed such events to the gods being angry. The coinage showed emblems seeking the approval of Jupiter, Neptune, Apollo, and the deceased former Emperors to watch over the Roman people.

Agricultural droughts Central Asia

The Huns began migrating eastward because of major droughts between 430 and 450AD. Asia had a severe drought during this period under King Attila the Hun, who then made frequent and devastating raids into the Eastern Roman Empire. There appear to have been droughts in Asia, which inspired them to move East. Asia has been prone to megadroughts that have lasted more than 1000 years. Central Asia today is cyclically moving back toward a drought. The year 2021 was a major drought in the region, and this has historically caused migrations. In fact, it has been called the worst drought on record.

In 451, they invaded the Western Roman province of Gaul, where they fought a combined army of Romans and Visigoths at the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields in 452 AD. What the mass migration brought was Malaria, which devastated Europe in 450AD. Nobody formally knows where the Huns came from. It is believed that they may have been the cause of the building of the Great Wall of China. The Huns came into Europe’s history when, in 370AD, they crossed the Volga River and conquered the Alans. Two years later, they attacked the Ostrogoths, an eastern tribe of Germanic Goths.

Alchon Huns 5th century

By 376AD, the Huns had attacked the Visigoths, who then sought sanctuary within the Roman Empire. As the Huns conquered the Goths and Visigoths, they became barbarians uninterested in culture. By 395 AD, they began invading the Roman Empire and were at the gates of Rome by 410 AD. They did not appear to have issued coinage until they invaded Europe.

762 ECM 532 536AD Major Volanic Winter

However, evidence has been uncovered worldwide that the early Dark Ages of the 6th century AD was most likely triggered by the eruption around 535/536 AD, which was probably a VEI7+ event. This was the turning point in an economic decline from 536 to 540 AD. The Roman historian Procopius (c. 500 – 565AD) recorded in 536AD his account of the wars with the Vandals, “During this year a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness… and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear.” Numerous accounts from Ireland to China describe this major event.

Justinian I portrait

This cataclysmic phenomenon occurred at the peak of the Economic Confidence Model Wave #762 (532-540AD), which was 536.55 (July 19/20). It has long been believed that the eruption was from Ilopango in El Salvador. There was probably a second eruption, perhaps in Indonesia, and it may have been Krakatoa. This volcanic explosion altered the world and even changed religion. Justinian I’s (527 -565AD) nearly lost his throne during the January 13, 532AD Nika riots, and another conspiracy against the emperor’s life by dissatisfied entrepreneurs was discovered as late as 562AD. Justinian was struck by the plague in the early 540s thanks to the eruption of 536AD and the malnutrition spread of the plague. However, he recovered, but his wife Theodora died in 548AD. This event created such major political unrest, economic decline, and social changes that few people have ever bothered to connect the dots.

There was a major volcanic explosion that was equal to more than 2000 Hiroshima-sized bombs. Human civilization was altered from the Mayan to Mongolia in the north to Constantinople and Southeast Asia. What unfolded were plagues, famine, death, and great migration, which caused people to move south. Empires and city-states collapsed, including Teotihuacan in Mexico and the Anglo-Saxon victory over the Celts and invasions, contributing to Islam’s rise. Even in India, the Gupta Empire (319-550AD) of Northern India collapsed by 543AD as the Huns overran it during the mid-6th century.


The devastation to agriculture lowered the economic growth, and by 602AD, the army in Byzantium revolted, overthrowing the government and installing Phocas (602-610AD), who became a spokesman for dissatisfied soldiers. When the army revolted in 602AD, the revolt successfully captured Constantinople on November 23rd, 602. Phocas declared himself emperor on the same day. The Sasanian Empire (224–651 AD) in Persia peaked during the 6th century and ended by 651 AD. This was all set in motion by the volcanic winter. The political, economic, and religious changes that occurred because of this devastating 6th-century volcanic winter were profound. According to the traditional account, the Islamic prophet Muhammad began receiving what Muslims consider divine revelations in 610 AD.

The last solar wave, Solar Wave #24, reached Solar Maximum in April 2014. Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych fled Ukraine on February 22nd, 2014, going into solar maximum. We are in Solar Wave #25 and are approaching solar maximum, ideally by January 2025. This will probably also enhance rising civil unrest globally. We will then turn it down into Solar Minimum, which should peak between 2030-2032. Therefore, this rise in magnetic storms and gamma rays may cause major volcanic eruptions. This could easily result in a cold period that could be increased in amplitude by volcanic eruptions.

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh

These insane climate zealots are attacking farming when this is the time we should be stockpiling food, just as Joseph warned the Pharoah. But they do not believe in cycles, God, or nature – just their own arrogance. That story is a lesson about climate change.


VEI km

3 frequency days =years %troposphere plume km km km3 delta
0 0.000001 0.000000003% 0.1 earth 31,879,029
1 0.00001 1 0.0 0.00000003% 0.3
2 0.0001 14 0.0 0.0000003% 1.0
3 0.001 90 0.2 0.000003% 3.2 troposphere 3 31,910,116 31,087
4 0.01 540 1.5 0.00003% 10
5 0.1 4,380 12 0.00032% 32 stratosphere 15 32,024,304 114,188
6 1 18,250 50 0.003% 100 mesosphere 50 32,381,370 357,066
7 10 182,500 500 0.032% 316 thermosphere 85 32,735,345 353,975
8 100 1,500,000 4,110 0.3% 1,000 exosphere 600 38,166,299 5,430,954
9 1,000 10,000,000 27,397 3.2% 3,162
10 10,000 90,000,000 246,575 32.2% 10,000


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