Syrians in Lebanon

Refugee Boats

The Syrian refugee crisis has been plaguing the global community for over a decade. While former Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the doors to refugees in Europe, other nations are still grappling with the social and economic implications. Lebanon is a country of 6 million, but hosts 780,000 Syrian migrants. As Lebanon is certainly not under the strong arm of Brussels, the nation has decided to begin a mass deportation of Syrian refugees.


The Lebanese people have been displeased with the number of migrants in their home nation. It matters not that they share the same religion. As in the West, the Lebanese feel that the migrants are taking advantage of government services. Refugees are willing to work for less, in turn making it harder for citizens to compete for jobs. Yet, 90% of the Syrians living in Lebanon face “extreme poverty,” according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has deemed Syrians “migrants” rather than “refugees.” “They have dollars and they are sending those dollars to relatives in Syria,” Nasrallah said.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said only Syrians wishing to return home should be deported from Lebanon. Syrian President Bashar Assad has implemented mandatory military service for all men, hence why countless men do not want to return. Then you have the European Union offering Lebanon in excess of $1 billion to secure its border, which skeptics claim is a bribe for the nation to retain migrants.

A population of 6 million simply cannot handle nearly 1 million migrants or refugees, however they wish to deem them. Opening the door to foreigners 13 years ago has had a dire consequence. Once that door is opened, it is nearly impossible to close without taking drastic measures.

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