The British Election – How Politicians Refuse to Learn

2024 07 04 UK_election_results

True to form, turn the economy, and you will get sweeping political change. The Labour victory was a landslide, with about 410 seats, with the Conservatives losing nearly 50% of the seats, all thanks to their alignment with the Globalists. Sir Ed Davey of the Lib Dems gained 53 seats—their best results for a century. The Conservatives should merge with Reform, for they have lost all credibility whatsoever. They have to stop this warmongering – people do not want war! That is the objective of the Globalists who expect the United Nations to emerge as the peacemaker and then seize all power. That has been their dream for decades.

ECM Wave 2020 2028 PiThis turning point of the ECM not only marked the precise day of Putin’s Inauguration, but all the elections are flipping much, as we saw with the last wave that peaked in 2015.75. I warned that the 2015.75 turning point was the peak in government. In the USA, there was the 2016 election with Trump coming to power, and he took office precisely on the Pi target of 2017.05.

Soros Brexit R

That same turning point marked the shift to BREXIT, and when we look at the list of Conservative Prime Ministers, we see that they may have performed the worst in history, perhaps all because they were against BREXIT and were part of the globalist movement. Even George Soros was funding the “remain” camp in a failed effort to defeat BREXIT.

British Priministers

They have all been on the wrong side of history, and this election demonstrates their utter failure to represent Britain. The Conservatives deserve what they have sown. They staged a coup against Margaret Thatcher all because they wanted to join the Euro. With a recession into 2028, an attempt to redistribute wealth, and the threat of taxing the worldwide income of (non-doms) living in London, the Labour Party will also do its best not to listen to history. Will Labour yield to the Globalists as did the Conservatives? That will be the HUGE unanswered question. As I have warned, the Conservatives were in serious trouble. They have scored the lowest in nearly a century. They have abandoned real “conservatism” for this global cabal.

UK Right Elections 2024

UK Left Elections 2024


British Politics

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