Does a Near Death Experience Change You?


Trump is alive, for he turned his head to his right just a couple of inches. Had he not done that, the first shot of this patsy would have killed Trump. He said he “‘feels very fortunate” to be alive. Already, I am hearing people want independent ballistics and bullets. With the FBI investigating, there is just no credibility left anymore after what people have seen with the investigation into the JFK assassination.

Babylon BeeTrump_Indicted_For_Inciting_Assassination_Attempt

What I hear is that people are claiming it is Trump’s fault for his rhetoric. Now I hear that Trump will realize he is wrong and will suddenly repent and become a Democrat, I suppose. Let me explain something since I have personal experience with being the target of assassination. This is nonsense!

1 Attack Coma 3 days

Many assume that near-death experiences completely alter a person’s views regardless of how devout they may have been. I can say after the attempt on my life that I survived, to their dismay, when I awoke from a coma days later; it did change me, but not in the way I have read that people assume. In my case, it took the fear of death from me rather than making me more devout and afraid of death. But it also strengthened me as I knew my purpose was to stand up and fight.

Near Death Experience

There has been a recent review of the research into near-death experiences. The most common result seems to be a loss of fear of death, a reinvigorated sense of purpose, and increased compassion for others. Where I had restricted our services mainly to institutional pre-1999, it did make me realize that to create world change for the better; I had to share what I had learned and try to demonstrate to the world that there is a better way if we live with the cycle instead of trying to manipulate it for political gain.


I went to dinner at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago, and I posted about it on March 13th, 2020. However, it was at that dinner when Trump said he wanted to withdraw the troops from Afghanistan. He was the first head of state ever to really impress me from a human perspective. He said he was tired of writing letters to the parents of a soldier who had died there. He said:

“What are we doing there? These people have been fighting over borders for a thousand years. What difference are we going to make?” 

I find CNN and MSNBC vile. All they ever do is demonize Trump. I was told that people at CNN were upset because this suddenly “humanized” him after so many years of deliberately trying so hard to dehumanize him.

Nevertheless, Donald Trump said on his social media site Truth Social on Sunday that ‘it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening.’ He was already against war. I believe he will take the path I did and see that he is here for a purpose. Perhaps that purpose is to try to mitigate this mad rush into World War III.



This is more than just the personal hatred of Rachel Maddow, who then wants Hate Crimes for those who disagree with their extreme views. All the LEFTIST should be expelled to some island where they can create a world of communists and spew out their hatred at one another, for they are a threat to civilization equal to the unelected Neocons. They seem to prefer a society where nobody may say or do anything that they disapprove of. These people are outright traitors to everything that America was intended to be. They espouse nothing but hatred, and this is the very reason the United States will break up.  These people have no respect for civilization, and I refuse even to call my “mother” and birthing person because the term “mother” offended them. They will NEVER change their ideology; any call for unity will quickly fade as the days pass. They will NEVER live under Trump, who they have so demonized with raw hatred.

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These comments of having Trump killed have been worldwide by the LEFT. David Aaronovitch, who presents Radio 4’s Briefing Room show, and the Daily Mail reported that on July 4th, he put out on Twitter: “If I was Biden, I’d hurry up and have Trump murdered on the basis that he is a threat to America’s security.”

I believe Trump has been stripped of any fear of death, and further, I think he now sees what his saying, Make America Great Again, will form an even more profound sense of purpose. Perhaps this will contribute to the political changes that must come post-2032. Yes, civilization requires unity. But the cancer is on the LEFT where they always present themselves as victims for they do not have what others have and so on. They constantly try to force their way of life upon everyone else right down to punish anyone who has more than they do. The LEFT will never change – it is in their DNA. That is why nations will no longer be able to stand united.

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