Why Trump’s Plea for Unity Will Fail

Trump 7 18 24 RNC

I watched Trump’s speech with the understanding of how when someone tries to kill you, and you survive, you emerge with a changed view. As I explained, you do lose your fear of death, which at first I thought was strange, but you also emerge with a stronger conviction of purpose. That is what I saw in Trump’s speech, which was the longest acceptance speech in political history. Everything he said, from deporting criminal migrants to ending men who become women playing in women’s sports to gather laurels and scholarships. I have a friend in Germany who has a 14-year-old daughter, and he, too, will not let her even walk to the bus stop three blocks away from their home because of this migrant invasion that has turned our safe neighborhoods into danger zones.

Real Estate Crash

We are witnessing a real estate crash in the Blue States that began because of COVID-19 but has accelerated because of rising local taxation and the invasion of migrants. As crime rises in these areas, it becomes more difficult to sell property. I remember my mother’s bride’s maid whose parents lived in Camden, New Jersey, which was once a beautiful city home of Walt Whitman and Anderson & Campbell in Camden, New Jersey. This would one day become Campbell Soup Company, where they began. Camden, New Jersey, crumbled into a ghetto because of the crime.  In New Jersey, the two cities that were given the designation include Camden and Newark. Camden came in second, making it the nation’s worst “murder capital” behind only East St. Louis, Ill.

As a kid, my father would take me to Sears in Camden, where we would shop. Today that is all gone. Camden was the headquarters for Campbell Soup Company. They created a security zone to be able to do business. Camden is a warning of how a city can collapse due to crime regardless of race, creed, or national ethnicity. This is the danger that this massive migration has introduced, and many people have been fleeing for this reason alone to safer communities to protect their children.

Before his speech, I flipped a few channels to see the division that was still very present on the extreme LEFT from CNN and MSNBC. Still, even Bloomberg would not show what was going on at the convention and degraded the convention, calling it a testosterone gathering that left women out and had to bring up the abortion.

2009 Ginsberg Eugenics

I suppose Bloomberg is trying to outdo CNN and MSNBC to rise to the top of the LEFT WING anti-capitalistic news organization. I was shocked at how anti-Trump Bloomberg has become – I really do not watch TV – no time. Their focus was that women were left out, so they implicitly should vote for Biden all for abortion. Let’s allow reto-active abortion, and these advocates are obviously braindead and must be lamenting that they were even born. Perhaps we should legalize reto-active abortion to relieve their pain. Are they really that stupid that even Justice Ginsberg, a woman’s advocate, explained Roe vs Wade had NOTHING to do with women’s rights? It was all about EUGENICS and reducing the population in minority areas because it was RACIST to reduce the black birthrate. So you turn racism into women’s rights, and you get to advocate genocide. You can thank Bill Gates’ father for that one.

Bloomberg seems so emphatic that Biden is still in the race, as his campaign leader just said that Biden is “absolutely” in the race for a second term. I guess they can’t wait for World War III and hope Putin nukes New York City so they can make a fortune on the reconstruction like Zelensky plans for Ukraine.

Trump RNC Immigration Chart


These far-LEFT news organizations see no problem with all of these illegal immigrants pouring into the country, yet at the same time, they have been against Israel. Curiously, the policies and practices used by Israel in its occupation of Palestinian territories are in breach of international law, according to the new ruling by the United Nations’ top court. So, Israelis moving into Palestinian regions violates international law, but Soros and the United Nations funding people to invade the United States to change our politics is perfectly fine.

Then Joy Reid, the host from MSNBC, suggested the assassination attempt against Trump could have been staged, claiming we do not know if a bullet hit him; it might have been “glass” or “shrapnel,” which would be from a hand grenade. The LEFT is just built on hatred. They will NEVER change because everything they believe is based on themselves being a victim in society. This is why they cry for “quality of wealth” rather than rights.

Trump may have tried his plea for civility and unity. The LEFT will NEVER yield. This is why they will destroy not just the United States but Western Society just as they pushed Communism and destroyed Russia and China. I wish the computer would be wrong. But these people are just hateful, not much different from the Neocons who turned their fight against Communism, converting it to racism.



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