My Hope

Davos is the Problem

COMMENT: Marty, I have been attending your conferences since 2011. What I have learned from you is far more than my MBA. You are a world teacher paving the way for a new age. I am glad to hear they are making a movie about your efforts. The world needs to know. I was in Rome when Nigel Farage said that you were the alternative to Davos. What these academics from Davos have done to the world is the total destruction of our values and culture with this open border pushed by Soros.

I know you say you are waiting for Scotty to beam you up. Given what these people have done to suppress you over the years, I don’t think anyone can blame you for that. You are the first victim of cancel culture. Let me speak for your selfish followers. We hope you are here until 2050.

I think it’s in the Bible: blessed will be the peacemakers.



REPLY: I hope that this Hollywood movie shows the world that there is a better way to live simply with the cycle rather than having these academics ponder how to reconstruct the world. Hence, they constantly think they can make it better and, in the process, destroy the very foundation of civilization. Karl Marx did not understand how the economy works but focused on wealth and labor. He saw capitalism as an extension of ancient slavery, then serfdom, to labor for the capitalist. He tried to change the world, and in the process, hundreds of millions died. His ideas killed more than Stalin, Mao, and Hitler combined.

Father Martin Armstrong ARMY North Afria

My father was with General Patton from North Africa to Berlin. He told me that Patton believed he had been sent back from above to win the war. He had wanted to go straight into Moscow back then and told my father that the real enemy was Communism. My father told me that Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower because he publicly said that America had been fighting the wrong enemy—Germany instead of Russia. He died in a car accident, and in his last words, I was told: “This is a hell of a way to die.”


I was raised with that sense of duty because I was always taught we are here for a purpose. Some have told me my father taught me to speak the truth like Patton, even if it angered those in power. Perhaps. I guess just like Patton knew that the real enemy was Communism, I see the real enemy as being these academics who pretend to know how to reshape the world and never understand how it truly functions. So, to me, the enemy remains Davos, Soros, and his legions, as well as Bill Gates. Stop messing with nature and live with the cycles rather than ignoring them or manipulating them to eliminate the business cycle. There is a cycle to the rise and fall of civilizations, and they are fulfilling the destruction of Western society with their open borders that cannot be reversed.

Joseph Interprets Pharaoh

I see the world as the Biblical story of Joseph telling the Pharoah there will be seven years of plenty and seven years of drought. This explains the business cycle and how to live with it. This story is a lesson that Marx, Keynes, Soros, Gates, and Schwab have believed that they are wiser than God or nature, for they have all attempted to either manipulate or terminate the business cycle.

Burns Arthur

Volcker Rediscovery

Paul Volcker and I had an exciting conversation back in 1998. He told me that he agreed with my model and that the business cycle is about 8 years in length. I explained that we should stop fighting it. He came to see the inevitability in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle.


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