Zelensky Invasion of Russia on Instructions of NATO & Neocons?


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have studied tactical warfare over the centuries. I was first introduced to you at Citadel in the eighties when they discussed your work and the Economic Confidence Model. Since that was a military college, they would never have introduced me to your work if you did not understand military tactics. I know you regard that as an opinion, but perhaps now is the time to speak up since you are qualified in this field. There is a question arising over Ukraine’s invasion of Russia, and most seem to say this has taken Zelensky’s allies by surprise. I do not see that as being possible. Is Russia as weak as some are saying? Or is this a brilliant trap? I would love to hear about your military tactics and know who you studied.


Socrates in battle

Socrates rescues Alcibiades at the battle of Potidaea

ANSWER: Of course. It was the Citadel that asked permission to use the ECM and compared me to Hegel. That was the first time I was discussed in a philosophy class. Yes, I have studied war. I remember Socrates questioned a general, asking if he would ever retreat. He said no. Then Socrates asked if it was true that a great battle was won in which an enemy was drawn in with a fake retreat. I find it astonishingly stupid for Zelensky to make this move to invade Russia. I question if it was truly his decision alone. If any military commander criticized him, I’m sure he was relieved of duty. Zelensky is just what you want leading the troops—a comedian who dodged the draft several times himself. Zelensky is a war criminal. He has no business being the head of a country, no less a war. This is such a stupid move; he had to have been told to do this by the Neocons.

Ukraibe Invades Russia

Zelensky is putting on a show that he thought would raise more money. But he was also probably told to do so by the American Neocons, who need war before the election. Yet he is an idiot since Russia advances toward the Donetsk city of Pokrovsk, making significant tactical advances that this moron fails to understand. While Zelensky is putting on a show by invading Russia, he can find himself with supply lines cut off and his troops encircled. He will not retreat because that would now upset his cash flow after making a major move to beat his chest. Zelensky fears that Trump might win and is trying to demonstrate that he can defeat Russia. He also thinks he can strike a peace deal if he retreats from Russia and Putin withdraws from the Donbas and Crimea. What an idiot!!!!!! He is such a fool with zero understanding of tactical warfare.

Goring Herman on War

If this high-heel dancing draft-dodger ever went to school, he probably skipped history class. Russia was invaded by Hitler’s Nazi Operation Barbarossa in 1941. There was a Battle of Kursk in 1943. As Goring testified at Nuremberg,

“All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peachmakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Invading Russia and killing Russian civilians will enrage all of Russia, and Zelensky has brought the war home to all of Russia. Zelensky has made the most brain-dead decision, and his total lack of understanding of war is self-evident.

Pearl HarborDec 7 1941


FDR could not get Congress to enter World War II until Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th, 1941. Once America was attacked, that resulted in America entering the war. This is the stupidity of Zelensky, and his show of force was most likely instructed by the American Neocons, who were desperate to create World War III before Trump took office. They have to understand military tactics. This is the oldest lesson from ancient times. An ancillary war does not get all of society to rise up. Attack any society, and then you will have the entire population rising up.

Russian Tactical Nuclear Weapon

All the troops Zelensky sent into Russia can be surrounded, and Putin is now free to use any means necessary, including tactical nuclear weapons. He needs to deploy tactical nukes on his own territory to make a show to Europe that this is what NATO is risking with its antics. The only possible strategy would be to use a tactical nuclear weapon (small detonation) option on Russian territory. This will get all the Russians to rise up and realize that this invasion is truly orchestrated by the United States, Neocons, and NATO with the purpose of destroying Russia. This is the ONLY hope that the West will rise up against NATO and the Neocons and stop this war. I do not believe anything else will solve the problem.

The Neocons and NATO are desperately trying to get Putin to attack any NATO country or to use a nuke in Ukraine. They can then claim that Putin has attacked the West like Pearl Harbor to justify World War III. These people do not believe in anything other than their own hatred. Perhaps they are going to church to light candles praying for war, like in some scenes from The Godfather.

This is the Neocons Desperate to Create WWIII Before the Elections


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