HUD Explores Cash over Housing Vouchers


The Department of Housing and Urban Development is toying with the idea of providing American renters cash aid instead of vouchers. Current vouchers only demand that tenants pay 30% of their income on rent, while the US taxpayers foot the rest of the bill. The department says it is still too difficult for would-be tenants to use these vouchers and would like to provide them with cash to use as they see fit.

Pilot programs are appearing across America. Philadelphia swapped out vouchers with cash for 300 renters across the city. Since the government is incapable of efficiently running these smaller programs, the waitlist for housing vouchers in Philadelphia overwhelmed the city to the point that it was shut down for a decade. Those in the pilot program earn under 50% of the local median income with a child under the age of 15. Not only is their portion of rent reduced to 30% of income, but the government has provided them with debit cards to cover the additional portion of rent. Technically, they can spend it however they see fit.

Housing development agencies say cash is preferable to vouchers as landlords bypass discrimination laws and are more likely to reject potential tenants who use government vouchers. If someone has a business, does it not make more sense that they would be hesitant to partner with someone who they know cannot pay? Advocates believe “red tape” items like unit inspections are causing delays. Advocates also insist that providing cash will directly will help these people move to safer neighborhoods, neighborhoods where the residents work and pay their share of taxes into the system. These people insist that everything should be done to provide for those who remain underemployed or underemployed without addressing the root problem.

Over 2 million Americans currently receive housing vouchers funded by taxpayers who are already struggling to house themselves, and over 12.9% of Americans receive some form of government assistance. Housing debt far surpasses any other for the majority of US households. That 2 million figure DOES NOT account for the 11+ illegal migrants and counting who the American taxpayers must also shelter. The US government is overtly incentivizing people NOT to work at this point. Why work a low-skill job when you can sit back and collect far more than you would from a paycheck? Why work toward a higher-paying career when you’re being handed cash with no strings attached? Why believe in the union of marriage when you’re paid more to have children out of wedlock? There is no emphasis on personal financial responsibility in the current system, as socialism relies on everyone sharing the burden of poverty.

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